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Monday, December 26, 2011

A Visit - Mary

“A Visit” – December 25, 2011- Luke 1

Softly the heads of wheat crunch beneath her feet as she lets the large strands of wheat beat gently against her.  She can see her friends in the distance joking and laughing - just doing the things they would do every day after the work is finished in the fields.   Today is like many other days.  She helps gather leftover sheaves in the fields to help her family so that they can make bread, cakes, and other items to sustain them during the year. 
In the quiet moments by herself she often thinks about how God is putting everything in the world together in a concise neat order.  When they are hungry, God provides food from the ground, when they are thirsty God provides water from the springs.  When they are hot, God provides tall trees with fanned branched to keep them cool.  To everything there seems to be an order and also provision. 
She picks some seeds up that are scattered between the rocks and let them slide and fall from her hand.  Everything has a beginning and to fulfill its purpose must also fall to the ground to fulfill a greater purpose of starting life over again.  Seeds are the beginning of life.  God even thought of a way to plant that gives of itself so that it can start a new life, fresh from the beginning again.
Looking up at the sun, it is slowly descending from its ordained place in the sky and bringing a beautiful sunset of orange and yellow hues.  A painted masterpiece designed by God sent as a gift every day to remind her of His beauty and glory.  Again, she sees God touching her heart keeping her contented and loved in His care. 
She hears her mother calling her name.  She is late.  She doesn’t realize that time has passed by so quickly today.  She has good parents who have taught her many things about who God is and how He has provided for His people down through the centuries.  She has heard many stories of how God at just the right time and just the right place put His servants to help others and a nation.  Esther was sent for “just a time as this” to help her people.  Moses was raised as a prince as a half-brother to the king in the kingdom where he eventually would help his people be free from difficult lives of slavery.  God knew what needed to be done and at just the right time God intervened by using normal, everyday people.
As the last few seeds falling to the ground are crushed beneath her feet, she recalls of the current tragedy under which her nation is suffering. Herod, the ruler of Israel, is a cruel King.  He is paranoid by everything that surrounds him including his own family.  He is greedy.  He takes what does not belong to him.  She has seen the maliciousness of the soldiers entering her village robbing from the people who have nothing - to pay for taxes so that Herod can build his ostentatious kingdom of palaces, pools, and theatres.  He is selfish.  Israel hears whispers of a coming Messiah - a King who will redeem them from the cruel harsh reality of King Herod.  If ever Israel needed a Savior – the time is now.
However, she is nothing like King Herod. Her name is an ordinary name.  She likes the same things as any other girl in her village.  She is a teen filled with many hopes and dreams of what the future might be.  Her parents have chosen a good man for her to marry.  He seeks God and seems to have a tender and caring heart too.   He is gentle and kind with others.  He will be a good father to the children they will one day have together.  He treats her well and often brings her fruit dates to share at the end of the day after he has finished building furniture, tools, farming equipment, and repairing homes in the village.  He is a carpenter. He is a hard worker and has a confidence that God will always provide for the village and their needs.
Joseph is kind.  He is well respected by the other families in the village.  He is honest.  His integrity is evident in all his business transactions and also in his personal relationships with his friends.  He is a good man.  She is happy that her parents chose so well for her.  If she had been given a choice, she would have made the same decision. 
The sun is setting and she is finally reaching the doorsteps of her home near the outskirts of the city.  She is a farmer’s daughter and has been raised in the country.  Her Aunt Elizabeth, her mother’s sister, and her Uncle Zachariah on the other hand live in the big industrial city.  Rumors have come back that Elizabeth is finally going to have a baby.  It is such a shock to everyone.  Elizabeth always wanted children and has been almost like a mother to her when she was a younger girl because they were unable to have children of their own. 
Zachariah is a well respected leader in their community and one of the spiritual leaders.  But something odd happened just before Aunt Elizabeth discovered she was going to have a baby.  As they do every year, lots were thrown together and only one was chosen.  This man would enter the Synagogue as a representative of his community to ask for forgiveness of God for his village.  The lots had been cast and Zachariah had been chosen.  Again it is understood by everyone that God’s hand is even in the simple things of life. 
She had heard this information relayed by many people as well as her uncle and aunt so she knows that this story is true and not just a rumor.  When Zachariah entered the Temple he was acting as he usually did when doing the services of worship.  But when he came out, he could no longer speak.  For some unknown reason, God had silenced him.  There were many speculations as to why this might have happened.  Some people choose to be cruel.  Some out of jealousy or spite create elaborate stories of disobedience that might have taken place.  But Zachariah is a good man and faithful man of God.  The vicious gossip fell and crashed to the floor with nothing of substance to keep it going.  But he still cannot speak.  Aunt Elizabeth is actually going to finally have a baby too.
Dinner has been completed and the daily chores of washing the dishes and preparing for the evening have taken place.  She sighs.  It has been a long day and rest beckons her for the night.  She finds her spot in the loft and lays out her multi-colored woven mat of wool to lie down on over a stuffed mattress made of hay.  The moon and stars shine down providing some gentle light as the evening fades into darkness.
Her eyes are heavy and slowly the passage of time moves her to rest in the surrounding shadows of night.  Her family is already sleeping and she can hear the echoes of their murmurs and sighs through the hollow walls of their home.  She prays.  She prays for them.  She prays for her friends in the village.  She prays for her family who are miles away.  She knows God listens and He hears the whispers of her heart.  God is faithful. He remains faithful through the watches of the night.
In a moment, she is disturbed by a rustling in the room.  She shivers in delight even though it is not cold. Light envelops her and she feels as if she has been surrounded and embraced by love.  Her eyes tentatively open to see what has changed in her world of rest.  A being so beautiful stands before her.  She has never seen anything like him before.  He glows with candescent light but he is visible as a man standing before her.  Then he speaks.
“Greetings!  You who are highly favored! You are beautiful with God’s beauty!  Beautiful inside and out! God be with you!”  She feels herself rock back and forth in discomfort.  No one has ever called her beautiful and the words seem foreign but known to her.  Why is this unknown stranger here?  Why is he speaking with her?  Who is he? Where did he come from?  He looks as if he might have come from heaven.  But why would God send an Angel to her?
His tone is smooth and caressing.  His words are comforting “Mary, do not be afraid.” The words sooth her temporary fears.  Something is happening, something is different.  Again he speaks. “You have nothing to fear”.  
The words fall heavy on her ears.  Nothing to worry about - Nothing to be scared by -Nothing to be afraid of – Nothing to harm her.
The angel before her joyfully continues “God has a surprise for you!”  God.  This angel is from God.  God is speaking. God is speaking to her.  God cares about her.  God wants to bless her.  The moment is overwhelming but deep peace resides in her soul. 
Gabriel as he is called again speaks “I bring you tidings of great joy!  You are going to have a baby. He will be great and others will call Him the “Son of the Highest”, but you will call Him by His name - “Jesus”. He will rule the throne of David and the Kingdom of Jacob forever!”
She is perplexed.  The angel must have gone to the wrong home.  Doesn’t God known that she hasn’t even had a boyfriend yet?  Even Joseph was chosen by her parents.  Disappointed, she thinks for a slight moment that God must have meant the message for someone else.
She feels her lips speak in response to her anxiety, “But how can this be?  How can this happen?  In my life so far, I haven’t been with a man.”
The Angel reassures her with words that speak deeply to her heart.  “The Holy Spirit will come.  The power of the Most High will hover over you.  The child that God is sending to you will be Holy.   He is the Son of God”.
She ponders this for a moment.  God is holy.  He is righteous.  All that belongs and is of Him is good, pure, and holy.  Nothing false is ever found in God.  God is the beginning and the end.  His glory is eternal.   All that is in the heavens and on the earth worship Him.
The Angel again provides evidence of God’s leading and guidance in her life and those around her as well.  He reminds her that Elizabeth is also going to have a child.  Everyone knows that she was unable to have children, but here she is pregnant with a gift from God too.  Nothing is impossible with God.  God can do anything.
She reflects about who God is and all that He means to her.  God is greater than anything that is in front of her.  His methods are beyond the understanding of men.  His purposes are true.  He is Lord and governor, preserver, and guardian of all things.  He is sending a Savior to redeem the world.  He is sending a Savior because He loves His creation so much.  He is sending a Savior to save people from themselves.  He is sending a Savior because He loves each one of us. 

Her thoughts rush back to the stories of Esther, to Moses, to Abraham, to Elijah, the many servants of God who listened to the message and fulfilled God’s will for their lives.  God is faithful.  He calls and redeems His people.
She feels compelled to share what she is feeling “Yes, I see it all now.  I’m the Lord’s maid, ready to serve. Let it be with me, JUST as you say.”  She recalls the words found in Esther that she was called for “just a time as this”. This is the moment God is calling her.  This is the moment that she is fulfilling the role that God has given her.  This is the moment that God is speaking and she is listening.  This is the moment that God will reach out to each person and in love bring them again to Him.
How is God speaking to you?  What is He saying?  Is there something that God has called you to do? 
As you reflect on this past year, what gifts has He provided for you?  Where have you seen God’s intervention?  Where have you experienced God’s faithfulness?
What plans does God have for you?  What ministry do you feel God is leading you to fulfill?  Where has God placed you for ‘such a time as this’?

A Conversation with Joshua

Joshua 1:1-9; Numbers 12; Exodus 32

A Conversation with Joshua

It’s been a long forty years wandering in the desert.  Moses seems like a good guy, but directions aren’t really his thing.  I guess God had other plans for us though.  There are a lot of enemies all over the countryside who are not too happy that a bunch of Egyptian slaves have now been freed and looking for a new place to settle. 

Sometimes I wish that we could just find a place to settle down, but Moses keeps telling us about a “Promised Land” that God has told him about that will be flowing with milk and honey.  In other words, lots of food and good things for us.  We’ve lived our lives in neglect and know what it is to be without food, without things we need, without respect or really any rights to make a life of our own.

God has promised us something different.  He promises to take care of us.  So far He has.  When we thought we were going to starve to death, He made manna appear out of nowhere each morning for us to eat.  But what was strange is that we couldn’t “save” it for another day.  There were no leftovers.  He gave us water out of a hard rock in the middle of the desert surrounded by scorpions and poisonous snakes but each of us were kept safe! God made EXACTLY how much we needed at that time each day.  It’s strange how God works sometimes.

God told Moses a lot of rules.  I’m not really one for rules myself, but it seems if we follow what God wants us to do things go pretty well. It’s all about obedience to God. It’s been rough the few times that a handful of us decided to do our own thing.  The Golden Calf was so bad that Moses threw and broke that first tablets that were actually written by the hand of God.  He was really angry.  I don’t know that I’d be throwing around something God touched and created with His own hand, but Moses sort-of lost it.  He was pretty mad.  God was giving a gift directly to us but instead we were having a party with a piece of metal.  Not too good.

The laws aren’t so bad.  But what I like the most is that Moses taught us how to worship.  Everyone knows Moses and God are friends.  He talks directly to Moses. One time I remember when Miriam was upset and gossiping about the girl Moses married, God decided to give Miriam leprosy which neither she  nor Aaron were too happy about.   Moses is a nice guy though.  In fact, he’s one of the most humble people I know, he pleaded with God to make her well and she was healed within the week.

Moses is getting old now though.  I’ve been training under him for a while now.  You could say I’m sort-of the second-in-command. Moses talks about it being time to meet the Lord that he has loved so much during his lifetime. God seems to have a plan and design for each one of us.  I wonder what my part will be?

So, time passes  . . .

Moses went to be with the Lord today.  I’m not sure how we will all survive.  Somehow I’ve been left in charge and I’m not sure if I’m ready to have everyone follow me yet. Moses was a good leader even if it took us a long time to reach the Jordan. I’m going to take some time to worship at the altar and ask God where He wants us to go next because I’m really not sure what to do.

 “Yes, Lord?  Is that YOU speaking to me?? Yeah, I’m here.”

“As You can obviously see, we’re still standing and living in the middle of enemy country. We’ve got enemies on every side.  A bunch of gang names that end in ‘ians’ and ‘ites’.  It is one strange and foreign place.  I don’t know these people and they don’t like us much either.  They don’t like our clothes, our culture, or our attitude. “

“Yeah, I see the river.  It’s known as the Jordan River around here but it doesn’t look very crossable to me.  I know that the “Promise Land” You told Moses about is just across it though.  I know You helped us out before.  You’ll probably have to do it again.  We haven’t made any boats, canoes, not even rafts.  We’ve got a lot of wagons, a few carts and some sheep.  The sheep might float for awhile, but not sure how well they swim . . .”

“(with a chuckle then sigh) Yes, Lord. I’m listening . . .  Really?  You’re going to give to us all kinds of terrain.  We’ll own the deserts, the rivers, the mountains, and the Sea.  We’ve never owned that much property before.  We barely had homes in Egypt and the tents are all that we’ve had for the last forty years.  They’re not very comfortable and all the bugs get in – at least the snakes and scorpions haven’t yet - it such a pain to pack everything up too and move it all the time.  (roll eyes and shake head) Miriam is the worst complainer ever.”

“You will never leave us.  You will never forsake us.  Hmmm . . . Lord, have you noticed that there are a LOT of enemies surrounding us who don’t really want us here?! (a sense of panic) You promise that no one will be able to stand against us?  Have you looked at what has been happening lately?  They have some pretty strong weapons and their threats are pretty loud too.  They enjoy being bullies if You haven’t noticed”.

“I hear what You are saying.  Be strong.  Be courageous.   Hmmmm . . . You want me to lead them? You want me as an example to follow?  Are you sure?”

“Yes, I am listening.  So let me get this clear what You are saying it again to me is to:   Be strong.  Be VERY courageous. . . “

“You know how I’m feeling, Lord.  It sounds like there will be times I might be afraid.  It looks like I’ll see some things I really won’t like.  I might even feel worried about my own safety or that of my family.  Even so,  You promise to be with me?”

“Yes, Lord.  I’ll follow You.  I’ll obey what You tell me.  I’ll try not to make up my own rules or make excuses for some things that I would like to do but that You know are not good or wrong for me.”

“I’ve read the laws, but I also know what it is to Worship you.  You’ve told me what to do.  I’ll follow you. I’ll obey You. You’re going to make me successful when I am doing Your will wherever I go?  That’s pretty amazing. You know, I guess if I obey You what happens is all in Your design and plan though in the end.”

“I promise not only to read Your Word but to meditate on it. I’ll try to absorb ALL that You want to tell me.  I’ll let scripture ‘soak-in’ to my thoughts.  I’ll let it ‘become’ and ‘mean’ something to me.  Scripture will become a part of my life throughout the day and night.  I’ll let Your Words become a part of who I am.  Living the way You want me to will become my life”.

“I hear you again, Lord.  You promise to be there for me.  For what you have called me to do, You will bring success and prosperity.  I’ll obey you. Yes, Lord.  You know my heart is devoted to You.”

“Yes, Lord.  I hear You. For the third time, You are reminding me yet again.  It must be very important.  I will be strong.  I will be courageous.  I will not be terrified.  What You have told me is true.  You will protect and keep me safe while I walk in the center of Your will and calling on my life. “

“Yes, sometimes what happens can be discouraging and threatens to defeat my spirit.  You know, there are a lot of times things just don’t seem to be going right.  The worst is when things just don’t happen as quickly as I think they should.  But You’ve told me, “Do not be discouraged”.  I’ll try not to.  You have promised to be with me wherever I go, Lord.”

“I’ll obey You.  I’ll trust you, Lord.  I know You will come through for me.  You keep your promises.  You will never leave me.  You will never forsake me.”

Monday, October 10, 2011

Blood and Fire - Chapter Twenty Two

“That was the best strawberry pie I have ever tasted!” gushes Alice Hammer “I think I may take a piece for later” as she begins to wrap a rather large triangle pastry into her paper napkin.

Next to her Jennings squints and grins at her “Maybe, we ought to leave it on the table.  Your purse is still pretty full from Home League this past week.”

Alice Hammer glances down into her favorite beige faux leather purse to find a couple of floral paper napkins and another Hallmark football napkin with leftover cookies from two days ago as well as a few packages of coffee creamers and yellow substitute sugar packets.

Disappointed, Alice Hammer sighs “I suppose your right.  The red berries might blend in with my pink check book, but it certainly would taste good for a midnight snack!” taking one last lick from a few crumbs left on her thumb.

“Why don’t we move to the front room where we can have some coffee or herbal tea, whichever you prefer” suggests Major Debourgh in more of a command tone than request taking a cue from the large grandfather clock in the corner of the room.

Scooting his chair loudly against the grain of the wooden floor away from the dining room table, Collins agrees most heartedly, “Oh yes.  You make the most stupendous cup of coffee.  The aroma floats and tantalizes my senses”.  Collins shakes his head as his nose and chin rise higher in the air as if in response to the overwhelming infiltration of the smooth roasted grounds.

Raising her eyebrows in awe of Collins’ dramatic flair, Jennings curiously turns to Anne and asks, “What brand does she use? I think I may need to get me some of that”

Shrugging her shoulders, “Folgers, as far as I know” shyly but frankly replies Anne “It’s the only brand I’ve ever seen her buy at the grocery store”.

Taking in a deep breath with all of her full essence, Alice Hammer rapidly nods her head while snapping the clasp on her purse “Yes, it does smell delicious.  I definitely would like a cup!”

With a friendly smile William Fitz politely helps Alice Hammer move her chair back from the table. In response, she pats his hand in a grateful gesture.  “Some lady is going to appreciate you some day!” with a wink.

William chuckles to himself and looks over at Liz who is preoccupied in her thoughts wondering what excuse she will find to get out of having to play the piano in front of everyone.  Liz haphazardly glances over at Darcy who also happens to casually be looking back at her.  Darcy catches her eye and drops his brow to quickly pretend that he has been staring at something else buried in the floor.

“Wait dear!  Wait for me! I’ll help you into the other room!” screeches Collins tripping over Major Debourgh’s chair but quickly regaining his balance in an attempt to shuffle through the guests in order to catch up with his wife.

In response Char resolutely sighs but pauses to wait for him to stand by her side and offer his arm in assistance.  She takes his arm and he in return squeezes her hand in delight.  She smiles in genuine response to his tenderness and obvious attentiveness.

Quietly Anne observes Darcy through the corner of her eye.  Studying him, Anne finds Darcy very attractive as she always has since she was a young teen.  Anne can’t understand why Liz appears to be non-pulsed by his presence this evening when he seems quite taken with her in response.  Darcy has always been her mother’s ideal for her perfect mate.  Anne remembers being taught from the time she is little that Darcy will be an outstanding marital match for her.  But in truth, her heart at times has led her elsewhere. Although having no complaints about Darcy, Anne deep down feels perhaps he isn’t really the best match for her because they don’t share many interests or things in common with each other.  However, making her mother actually believe that is nearly impossible.

In deep contemplation of his own, Darcy waits at the entrance unaware of Anne’s thoughts.  He smiles and gentlemanly offers for Anne to walk in front of him into the next room.  Walking into the other room, Darcy watches Liz finding a place to sit on the large sofa.  Unable to move around Anne who is sauntering slowly in front of him, disheartened Darcy sees his cousin quickly maneuvering to sit next to Liz again. Darcy’s lips tighten and his eyes narrow.

Relaxing Liz adjusts the throw pillow to sit more at ease and leans over the armrest with her back slightly turned from William to talk to Alice Hammer who has aimed for the large recliner again. William places his arm comfortably behind Liz on the top of the sofa and rests his right foot on one knee. 

Resolvedly, Darcy finds an empty place on the loveseat next to Jennings across from the sofa with a direct line of view to Liz who is chatting away with Alice Hammer.

Major Debourgh raises her lip and conceives a plan.  “Jennings, I do believe you would be much more comfortable in the rocker from the other room.  Collins, please go get the glider from the office.  Anne can take her place on the loveseat so that everyone has a place to sit.  You and Char may bring in chairs from the dining room as I have.”

“No need to fuss. I’m fine.  I like where I’m sitting” honestly replies Jennings stretching out her legs in front of her while flexing her toes and feet in a rhythmic routine.

“Nonsense!” commands Major Debourgh and then in a much sweeter tone “You can rest your feet on the ottoman.  Anne take your place next to Darcy”.

Rising from her cozy position, Jennings surrenders and shrugs her shoulders understanding that moving to another place is the only option available that she has been given.  Anne compliantly finds her new position and sits next to Darcy. 

Realizing, the Anne is not sitting close enough for interaction, Major Debourgh suggests “Anne, move closer to Darcy. I need to sit on the loveseat too.  It’s better for my arthritus.”

“I’ll trade places with you then” offers Darcy not wanting to be cramped in such a small space.

“No, you stay right where you are! I’m very comfortable next to Anne and there is plenty of room!” demands Major Debourgh establishing her plans for affection of her daughter. 

In anguish Anne looks scrunched and awkwardly embarrassed as her shoulder crushes against Darcy’s chest as her mother shoves her determined body into place on the loveseat.

Amused Liz softly giggles to herself looking over at the compressed trio across from her. Darcy catches her eye and smiles back in defeat.  Major Debourgh captures their interaction and suggests “Liz, I think that it is time for us to hear some music.  Why don’t you play for us now?”

Self-consciously Liz can feel the heat rise in her cheeks. “Really, there are quite a few musicians who are better than me here tonight and who would be more enjoyable to listen to”.

“No, you are my guest and I would like you to play for us tonight” determinedly requests Major Debough rubbing her hands together in triumph.

Relinquishing all dignity, Liz painfully submits to Major Debourgh’s order and makes her way to the piano.

Reluctantly Liz finds a plethora of unused songbooks, old editions of Musical Salvationists, and other various sheet music.  She shuffles through notebooks of Gowens and Larsson’s musicals.

Placing some music in front of her, Liz begins playing “I’ll Make My Promises”.  As the introduction continues, trying to defer her anxiety Liz becomes lost in her surroundings and begins to sing.  William seizing the opportunity stands up and joins her at the piano.  He sings in a duet with her. 

“You play quite well.  I don’t know why you didn’t want to play for all of us” compliments William as Liz accidently misses a couple of notes.

“Thanks for the compliment, but I prefer just to play for myself.  I should definitely practice more” honestly remarks Liz starting another verse which William joins her in singing while turning the pages as needed.

Across the room Darcy glares at his cousin and decides it is time for an intervention. He conclusively walks over to the piano.

“Are there any requests?” asks William flipping through the stacks of songbooks on the top of the piano.

“I like ‘Glory!’  Years ago we did the musical for youth councils and then we even did it at congress one year.  Come on Alice, you can do the motions with me. You remember!” stands Jennings to her feet and then grabbing Alice Hammer by the arm to attempt to help her up from the recliner where she has been contentedly lodged. Then turning to Major Debough, “Major, you need to join us too!”

“No thank you.  I will watch you though” snuffs Major Debough brushing off her skirt to remove invisible lent.

“Suit yourself” shrugs Jennings “Alice, I think that we are going to get some exercise tonight!” Finding a decent amount of space between them for raised arms and moving legs, Jennings glances over her shoulder,  “ We’re ready, Liz!”

“I’ll do my best” grimacing replies Liz not sure of the key or the amount of notes that seem to be facing her on the page.

Noticing the competition has arrived at the piano, William decides to share the bench with Liz instead rather than standing next to her.  Liz scoots a little further down the bench to make more room and freedom to move her arms as needed.

“I think you need to give Liz some room, William” suggests Darcy looking his cousin directly in the eye which William intentionally ignores.

The song begins and Jennings along with Alice Hammer dance to their heart’s content.  “Play it again Liz!  One more time!” Liz graciously complies with an occasional missed note in the wrong key.

After finishing the song, “I’m tuckered out now!  I think it’s time for some of that infamous coffee!” teasingly smiles Jennings aware of her intentional vocabulary mistake glancing over at Major Debough who chooses to ignore the humorous gaff.  Anne bites her lip and tries to hide a sly smile.

“So, how did you and Darcy first meet?” asks William taking a better look at Liz sitting next to him on the bench.

Darcy standing beside the piano answers before Liz can respond, “We met at a wedding and became better acquainted while we attended Longbourne Citadel for the summer and some time at Christmas.”

“Yes, he wasn’t very friendly when we first met” offers Liz with a smile “But he was nicer later on after we became better acquainted but it took him awhile.”

“I can see that.  He can be a bit of a standoffish at times” adds William knowing that Darcy is slightly irritated anytime his observant demeanor is mentioned.

“You tried to lose me when we were invited over to your house for dinner” responds Darcy laughing at the memory.

On being caught Liz smiles “Oh yeah, I forgot about that.  Well, you eventually found your way there in spite of me.  I think you had a good time at my house”.

“Yes I did.  It was interesting meeting all of your sisters” reveals Darcy “I think that we had a good conversation that day.  I now know a little more about music and history”.

“Yes . . . I guess so” sighs Liz at the memory of the astute knowledge of her sisters “it is always an education at my house”.

Darcy laughs as he meets her eyes and grins.

“So, why didn’t you like each other at first? I’m still waiting to hear the reason” states William wanting to be included in the private conversation. “Let’s see, Liz you said Darcy wasn’t friendly . . .”

“I was too!” rebukes Darcy “I just didn’t say much.”

“Oh yes, you did!” animatedly returns Liz “But you seemed a bit aloof but then you talked”.

“I didn’t know very many people and I was preoccupied with some business I had that day. I think there was a misunderstanding in a discussion we were having” explains Darcy wanting the opportunity to excuse his behavior that day but not entirely even remembering the conversation or where it took a wrong turn. “I’m not sure what you mean by your comment though Liz”.

“What did he do to offend you?” curiously asks William realizing that Liz still appears to be upset in her tone and hoping for the opportunity to gain Liz’s support.

“He refused to participate in the wedding.  He didn’t offer to dance with anyone and then he didn’t even bother to watch the cake being cut.  He seemed bored with the whole atmosphere” replies Liz smirking at Darcy but enjoying the moment of teasing him.

“I’m not comfortable dancing in front of people.  As far was watching the cake cutting, it appeared like a swarm of young girls crowding in around the cake dreaming of their future weddings” honestly replies Darcy “I didn’t want to interrupt their fantasies”.

“That’s a bit harsh Darcy” laughs William “I would have gone over just to be the first in line for some good cake from a bakery.  If Liz had been available, I would have asked her to dance”.

“It’s not that I didn’t think about it.  I didn’t want to make a fool of myself” sincerely replies Darcy not entirely comfortable with this moment of confession unnervingly induced by his cousin.

“I can forgive you for not dancing, because I don’t particularly like to dance either.  But you said a few things later that made it difficult for you to be my friend” offers Liz enjoying the banter and finding out what was really going through Darcy’s mind at the time that she found difficult to understand.

“Liz, what else did he do?” asks William noticing that his questions make Darcy shift and appear slightly anxious which is unusual for him.

“I lost my earring under the punch bowl and heard him say that I was “tolerable if a little outspoken” but he did think my older sister was pretty”.

Darcy’s eyes become huge and look like they are coming out of their sockets.  He can’t believe he would have said something like that about anyone but not her.  “I . . . I . . .”

“Ohhh … I guess he’s in trouble . . .” teases William nudging his cousin.

“It’s okay.  I’ve gotten over my pain and agony” dramatically clutching her heart with her fist “We’re at least friends now” mocks Liz “I guess he’s found me ‘tolerable’ enough since then”.

At that moment Jennings calls over “William can you help me?  Alice needs to find the powder room and we need your help getting her out of the recliner that she now appears to be glued to”.  William smiles at the two of them and finds his way to the other side of the room.

The last thing that Darcy wants Liz to remember is something that he said that might have caused her feelings to be hurt. Now that it just the two of them, he anxiously stumbles through his words to find an explanation, “I don’t know what I was talking about.  I didn’t mean anything like that.”

“Well, at least I realize that we are friends now” Liz changes the subject “By the way, did you see my sister Jane when she was visiting in Pemberly a couple of months ago?  She was staying with my aunt and uncle for a few weeks.  We haven’t heard from any of the Bingleys except a short note from Caroline which didn’t say much and wondered how they were doing.”

“They’re fine.  I haven’t been much to the corps lately due to traveling for business, so I did not have a chance to run into your sister while she was visiting in the area” not sure how to respond having been put on the spot, Darcy shuffles and then continues “The Bingleys have been quite busy as well.  Bingley works in public relations and out of the office quite a lot. Caroline is often on location with the Global News Network so I don’t have much of a chance to see either of them.”

“Oh, that’s too bad.  We miss having them attend Longbourne Citadel.  It was nice to have the fellowship while it lasted.  Bingley and Jane got along so well together.  It seems very strange that we haven’t heard from him.” genuinely responds Liz hoping that he will respond but he chooses not to in spite of the pause in conversation.  She closes the songbooks in front of her “I think that is enough playing for tonight”.

“How long are you in town?” asks Darcy hoping that it will be for awhile and he will be able to enjoy her company for a few more days realizing how much he has missed her these last few months.

“I’m here for a couple of weeks until I have to return to work.  I’m staying with Char” replies Liz also hoping that this will not be the last time they run into each other.

“Would it be all right if I stopped by once in awhile? I have the day off on Tuesday” suggests Darcy hiding his nervousness “If you would like maybe we could go to a movie or bowling?”

“I don’t know my schedule yet with Char but I am sure that I will have some free time. It would be good to see you again” offers Liz excited by the suggestion of spending more time with Darcy and becoming better acquainted again while having fun as well “I’ll call you tomorrow after I talk with Char and find out what her plans are for my visit”.

“Sounds good to me” Darcy smiles back at her feeling content at the future opportunities that lay ahead.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Blood and Fire - Chapter Twenty-One

Pulling up to the familiar driveway, Darcy deeply sighs as he looks at the caller ID on his phone. “I guess that I should call her back. She’s called five times today”.

“Who’s calling you?” asks Will unbuckling his seat belt as the ignition is turned off.

“Caroline Bingley. She wants me to donate some money for her charity fashion show for the Women’s Auxiliary. She’s hoping that I will be able to help cover the cost of printing the glossy program covers that they use every year for the event.”

“Have you donated before?” asks Will knowing that his friend doesn’t particularly care about women’s fashion.

“Yes, she asks every year. However, I don’t want to talk to her. She usually calls for a purpose but twists the phone call into somehow requiring me to be out with her on what others might call a date” Darcy trying to find a way to exactly describe Caroline’s social manipulation continues “I call it more of an alternate ‘obligation’ to appease some unrequested favor that she had made me feel guilty in not complying with or responsible for.”

“Have you ever asked Caroline out on an ‘official’ date?” curiously asks Will wondering what the answer will be. Caroline has been enamored with Darcy since they were in middle school.

“Actually, no . . . Occasionally, we end up at the same place together or she asks me to be her guest to something or other. But I have never asked her out by my own initiative. Caroline is too caught up in herself for me to ever be attracted to her. She is high maintenance. She has no idea how to walk in someone else’s shoes. The world revolves around her and I do not feel like keeping myself in her universe”.

“Umm . . . honestly, I thought both of you were dating. Caroline certainly seems to think so or at least she is telling everyone that both of you are. You might want to think about clarifying that with her” thoughtfully suggests Will not wanting his cousin to unwillingly end up in the center of some gossip circles.

“This is going to take me a minute” replies Darcy hitting the name displayed on his phone in the contact list.

“I’m going in. I’ll meet you inside in a few minutes” remarks Will opening the side car door. “It looks like Jennings and Collins are already here. The big white passenger van with the red shield is parked right out front by the curb.”

“I’ll be in within the next few minutes. This phone call should not take very long” responds Darcy stretching his neck listening to the ring tone.

Will walks up the beautiful and meticulous sculptured lawn. In all the years that there have been corps officers living in that quarters this is the nicest the lawn has ever looked. Roses of various colors and scents trim the walk way and surround the house. It feels like he is walking in the midst of a city’s botanical garden when the roses are in season. The fresh floral scent overwhelms his senses. Will is surprised by its comforting and peaceful reaction it stirs in him.

After taking a few deep breaths, Will rings the doorbell and waits for someone to answer. Jennings opens the door and immediately grabs him in a huge bear hug.

“Major Debourgh told me you were coming! How is my favorite junior soldier? It’s been years. My, you have grown up into a big boy! How old are you now? Nineteen, twenty?” excitedly asks Jennings pounding him with her hands on his chest with great enthusiasm.

“Off by a decade, I’m 29 now but doing well. How are you doing? You have always been my favorite officer!” cheerfully asks Will with all sincerity.

“Good, good, good” shaking her head, Jennings continues “So how’s your love life? Did you bring anyone with you?”

“Umm . . . no . . . it’s fine” states Will feeling a bit awkward at the moment at being put on the spot to discuss his personal life “I mean. . . I’m not dating anyone at the moment . . . . but I’m happy . . . and of course looking” blushes Will not use to these questions but willing answering them because he knows Jennings genuinely cares about him “I just haven’t found the right person yet.”

“She’s coming soon, I’m sure. I can feel it. It’s better for a man to wait to get married until the end of his twenties turning the life corner into his thirties. He’s more certain of who he is, where he is going, and what he wants out of life. ‘Better to marry a man than a boy’ is what I always say” reflects Jennings lost in her own thoughts for a moment “Some men though still like to play on the playground”.

“When you meet her, let me know. I might need some help in this area. I seem to keep missing her” teases Will with a wink but enjoying the friendly banter while hugging Jennings shoulders with one arm.

“My advice is: don’t settle. Wait for the right one. She’ll show up” encourages Jennings with hopeful optimism “God will bring her along at the right time as long as you ask Him to”.

“Well, I am asking and it seems unfortunately waiting as well” frankly responds Will but feeling inspired by Jennings encouragement.

“Some of my very favorite corps cadets are here tonight that I would like you to meet. I was their corps officer at Longbourne Citadel years ago. Charlotte and Elizabeth are some of the kindest women I know” answers Jennings but then as if a spark has ignited her thoughts “Follow me, I’m going to introduce you to one of them”.

Moving from the foyer in front of the steps that lead upstairs, Jennings guides Will into the living room where the other guests are waiting for them to enter the party.

Will looks at the woman sitting on the couch who looks very familiar. Studying the woman by the window, Will can’t immediately place where he knows her from, but something inside tells him that he has met her before. She looks up and smiles. He remembers.

Jennings grabs his hand and leads Will directly to where Liz is sitting. “Liz, I want to introduce you to a friend of mine that I have known since he was a little boy. His name is Will Fitz. He is Hugh Darcy’s cousin visiting over the summer from Netherfield Park”.

Liz swallows shocked to meet someone who knows Darcy. For a second her thoughts long to make a good impression. She extends her hand “Hi! I’m Liz. It’s nice to meet you”.

Will finds her voice warm and her manner charming. “I’m Will. Is there room for me to sit next to you on the couch? It seems like a large group tonight.”

Liz smiles and moves closer to the edge to make more room for him. Liz studies him for a moment. His features are similar to Darcy’s but she thinks that Darcy is more handsome by comparison. He is friendly and carries himself in a way that is also like Darcy bringing back warmhearted feelings of hospitable comfortableness.

Will begins to chat away about his day, adventures over the summer, and his plans for the next few weeks before the school season begins again as a teacher and coach. Liz contentedly asks questions to gather more information about him and to see how much he has in common with Darcy.

As Will continues to speak, Liz in her innermost thoughts recalls how much she misses talking to Darcy. His mannerisms remind her of Darcy’s warmth and kindness. Even though she enjoys talking to Will there is an ache that remains consistent in her longing to have Darcy sitting beside her rather than him.

After about fifteen minutes, Will takes a breath from his conversation with Liz and looks around the room, “Where is he?”

“Where is who?” asks Liz raising her eyebrows not knowing why suddenly the conversation ended abruptly in order to look for someone who doesn’t appear to exist hoping that it was not because she wasn’t paying attention to what he was saying while lost in her own thoughts.

“He must still be out in the car talking to Caroline. He told me that he would only be a couple of minutes” disgusted states Will “He needs to throw away his phone. He’s on that thing all the time!”

On hearing Caroline’s name, Liz assumes that the person in the car may be Bingley. She calmly thinks to herself “I wish Jane had come. She’ll be so disappointed not to see him. Hopefully he doesn’t have a girlfriend with him. It would hurt her so much” and then jumping way ahead in her expectations and dreading that moment “I don’t want to have to tell her if someone is with him.”

Will looks at her shoulders slumping and the distress that suddenly appears on her face, “Are you all right? You don’t look so well”.

“Yeah, I’m fine. I’m thinking about something that I forgot to do” Liz quickly recovers with the first thing that pops into her head “I’m not sure that I turned off the stove”.

“It’s not that big of deal. You can turn it off when you get home” advisedly remarks Will. He settles back down moving closer to Liz than he was sitting before. He finds Liz attractive and friendly. Liz enjoys his company and finds his half-smile charming. She notices his eyes twinkle when he speaks of things that he is interested in. Will comfortably rests his arm behind Liz on the sofa.

A few minutes later, Darcy walks in while everyone is absorbed in their individual conversations. He notices his cousin in the doorway leaning towards Liz animatedly wrapped in her attention. He feels sudden unexpected pangs of jealousy and anger. He stares at them and says nothing.

Liz intuitively feels focused eyes watching them as they talk and glances up from her polite conversation with Will about the latest football scores. She has not watched a football game in two years and can vaguely recall the names of the NFL teams in her local state. She attempts to keep the conversation going in hopes that Will eventually will speak of his cousin whom she longs to hear about.

As she looks up, Liz can feel all the color drain from her face only to be replaced by inspired heat as she feels her cheeks burn with sensation. Her eyes widen and her mouth feels very dry as her heart races to see the unexpected familiar man standing in front of her.

Jennings runs up to Darcy “You’re here!” She nestles her nose against his nose as a Maori from New Zealand might do using a ‘hongi’ greeting and gives him a huge hug “You use to love to do that to me as a child . . . but I guess you’re a little too big for that now . . . I’ve been waiting for you to get off that blueberry or lilypad, whatever you want to call it and join the rest of us!”

Darcy warmly smiles and hugs her back “How are you?” She is one of the few people who can hug him without feeling a sense of seeking permission before closing in. Jennings is like a second grandmother to him. “We should definitely see each other more often”.

“You need to visit me at the Silvercrest. It’s been two months since your last visit! I’ll have some brownies or chocolate chips cookies waiting for you on your next visit!” warmly smiles Jennings offering the invitation to a child who is almost like her own after his mother was promoted to glory “I’m a bit of a chocolate fanatic so I’ll have at least one or other on the counter . . .”

“I promise that I’ll come. I’ll put you on my schedule so I make sure that it happens!” responds Darcy knowing that this will probably be one of the highlights of his month. He then looks over to the large recliner where Alice Hammer has propped her feet up for more comfort “Hi Alice Hammer! It’s good to see you too. Thank you for sending me the book last week. It was very good. He is one of my favorite authors and I had not read that particular one yet.”

“I’m glad you liked the book. I’m trying to get up but I can’t seem to find the lever to put my feet down” wiggles Alice Hammer in her seat knocking her feet roughly up and down against the foot rest in an attempt to release the lock “There it goes!” exclaims Alice Hammer as the footrest slams back down into its casing.

She gets up and gives him a big hug as well with a kiss on the cheek leaving a bright pink lipstick stain. Alice Hammer attempts to wipe off the outline of affection but it is a “long lasting” wear brand and it makes a bright pink smudge instead.

Alice Hammer contemplates the leftover mark and starts to lick her thumb but Darcy quickly moves out of the way of incoming assistance “Oh, that’s okay. I can wash it off later. Don’t worry about it!” while he grabs both of her hands, clasping them together, and smiling back at her.

In response Alice Hammer shrugs her shoulders, “At least it is not on your collar. Your girlfriend might ask too many questions” and chuckles to herself at her own joke.

“Not a problem” replies Darcy turning his head slightly to catch Liz’s response to Alice Hammer’s comment who is still sitting next to Will quite engrossed in conversation on the sofa.

The sound of the word “girlfriend” clings to her ears and torments her. Liz tightens her lips, shocked by her own feelings of unusual jealousy. She certainly doesn’t like the idea of Darcy having a girlfriend especially if it is going to be Caroline Bingley.

Darcy’s eyes dance at the thought that Liz might have an opinion about him having a girlfriend. He thinks to himself for a fleeting moment “maybe she does like me too”. Darcy smiles to himself feeling that perhaps this is going to be a better evening than expected.

As Alice Hammer begins to settle into the recliner again, Major Debourgh observes the room “Darcy come sit next to Anne, you can take my place. I need to make sure everything is ready for dinner.”

Darcy takes a seat next to Anne, but Mrs. Debourgh returns within seconds with another chair from the dining room for herself to join the conversation. Darcy looks at Liz and contemplates what he should say next to her. Jennings notices the object of his intent attention and begins to be filled with unrequested matchmaking ideas.

Across the room, Liz catches a few quick glances to see how Darcy is responding to her. He left so abruptly that she wasn’t sure if he even wanted to remember his visit at Longbourne Citadel. She meets him momentarily eye to eye and it feels as if the air in the room has stopped and they are the only ones left to experience the moment.

Watching the interaction, Major Debourgh’s eyes narrow. “Anne, you must tell Darcy about your latest adventure”.

“What adventure?” asks Anne not sure that anything particularly exciting has happened in her life lately.

“Don’t be so coy. Darcy wants to hear about your visit to the eye doctor” encourages Major Debourgh “Remember what he told you?”

“Not exactly” states Anne feeling her mother’s insistence to bring us something that was said quite casually.

“Yes, you know. What he said about your ‘eyes’ . . .” hints Major Debourgh with a special emphasis on the word “eyes” changing her tone by raising it a couple of notes with a question mark on the end.

“Oh. He just made a comment about the color of my eyes” frankly states Anne.

“Really now Anne. He told her that she had beautiful eyes like rich chocolate. She, of course, inherited them from me. We have the exact same color and tint” replies Major Debourgh widening her eyes for more personal examination. In a voice of command Major Debourgh insists, “Anne, take off your glasses and show Darcy your eyes!”

Anne compliantly removes her glasses bending her chin low and raising just her eyes to be noticed.

“Yes, they are quite nice” genuinely replies Darcy looking past Anne over to Liz. He believes that Liz has eyes remind him of the cool ocean.

Major Debourgh notices the deviation of his attention from Anne that has now settled on Liz. Her back stiffens and her posture becomes more correct than ever.

“Darcy, why don’t you tell Anne about your latest musical composition. I’m sure she will want to know all the details, won’t you Anne?” directs Major Debourgh crossing her legs, straightening her skirt, and shuffles to dust off any imaginable pieces of lint. She clasps her hands neatly in front of her.

“What new song are you writing? I love playing your music on my electric piano at home. It only has a two octave range and the g flat doesn’t work, but it does a good job anyway with most tunes” suggests Alice Hammer “I blew the speakers last month because Mr. Woodhouse couldn’t hear me play and had me keep turning up the volume and playing more loudly. He didn’t realize that he had both of his hearing aids turned off. However, I bought a new pair of speakers that plug into the front of the piano. The static is a little noisy but it works out all right”.

“It’s a simple song, more of a chorus really to sing during a prayer time. I used scripture that spoke to me during my devotions for the lyrics. I think that you would like it, Alice Hammer” humbly responds Darcy.

“I’m sure that Anne would find your music fascinating. You must email it to her” suggests Major Debourgh “I’m sure that we can find someone willing to play it for us. But of course you must remember not to share it with anyone until it is published. You wouldn’t want anyone stealing it from you”.

“If you would like me to I’ll send it to you. I’m not concerned about publishing. I would much rather have someone enjoy my music that has an opportunity to encounter it than try to keep it a secret on the slight chance that some income derived from it” earnestly responds Darcy adding information about his own musical collection “I’ve kept many manuscript copies of others over the years that have touched me tremendously that haven’t necessarily been published.”

“I think that is a great idea. The more people become acquainted with you and your music, the more it will be in demand. It will also develop a reputation of its own” offers Liz wishing that Darcy had shared some of his compositions with her.

“Oh. Well, that seems like a silly idea - not very entrepreneurial of you. I have a good eye for business as does Anne as well. I’m sure that she could help you manage your financial income and assets in a more successful way for you” claims Major Debourgh looking over at her daughter and nodding her head in affirmation.

Graciously Collins interrupts the conversation “Major Debourgh is an excellent financial advisor. She has helped Char recover her credit by focusing on paying off one credit card at a time in large payments. Major has also reviewed our bank account at my insistence in order to help us make better choices with our spending and frivolous expense” Collins sensing everyone’s attention on him continues “For example, Char has decided to only buy one nail polish instead of two each time we visit the store and chooses to purchase her off-black hose for her uniform in bulk rather than individually.”

Char incredulously looks at him and rolls her eyes over to Liz.

Liz accurately guesses that Char might be mentioning this to him at a later point that evening when it is just the two of them for a discussion.

“I like listening to all of your music that Alice Hammer plays. I try to sing along with most of them, but Mr. Woodhouse unfortunately reminds me that I’m singing a little flat” states Jennings a little ruffled by the most recent memory “Personally, I think he needs turn down his hearing aids. But I do enjoy singing with the Home League Singers at the Silvercrest.”

“On that note, I need to check on dinner. I’ll be back in a moment” states Major Debourgh standing up with a particular mission on her mind.

Alice Hammer stands up and stretches, shaking her feet out in front of her. “If I sit too long, my body gets very stiff. I’ll never be able to get out of this chair.”

Just as Alice Hammer is about to find her place again, Major Debourgh enters the living room and commands “Alice Hammer don’t sit down!” Alice Hammer freezes mid-air between a fall and balance with a scared expression not wanting to offend Major Debourgh by not obeying her authoritative command. But gravity takes over and Alice Hammer plops down in the plush chair knocking it side to side. Seeing her look of anxious helplessness, Jennings and Will immediately assist in helping Alice Hammer to stand back up on her own two feet to receive Major Debourgh’s instructions for dinner.

Major Debourgh powerfully raises her chin trying to hold back any unnecessary frivolity. She likes to be listened to but even under these conditions she didn’t expect to frighten anyone. Looking towards Darcy in a tone of indignation “It is good to see that everyone has finally arrived. I have place cards where I have asked everyone to sit.”

The guests meander around the elaborate table to find their specific location of assigned conversation. Major Debourgh finds her place at the head of the table. To her right is Liz with Will next to her. On her left is Collins with Jennings sitting next to him. Alice Hammer is scrunched between Will and Char. Across the table Darcy is conveniently placed between Anne and Jennings.

Alice Hammer looks at the table settings once everyone is seated. “I can move so Collins can sit next to his wife. Collins, get up and I’ll trade you places!”

Major Debourgh glares through clenched teeth but politely states “I tried to make a seating chart so that a man was placed between every other woman, but it appears tonight the guest list is somewhat out of balance. Husbands do not sit next to their wives to encourage conversation at the table”.

Confused Alice Hammer looks back at her, “I think husbands and wives would know how to talk to each other. They must have to do it all the time!”

“The conversations need to be stimulated by topics other than household duties and chores. Although some lucky couples learn how to find interesting conversation with each other over the years, most do not” smartly replies Major Deborguh with an air of regal authority on the subject “I want this evening to be entertaining for all of us.”

“My husband and I had plenty of fun and things to talk about over the years. I miss my sweetie” reflects Alice Hammer “I use to be his ‘cuddle-bum’”.

Frowning at the mention of the endearing nickname, Major Debourgh sighs loudly.

After reflecting for a moment Jennings asks, “Do you mean ‘cuddle-bug’?” thinking that something was not quite right in the name which she had heard many times over the years by Fred Hammer to his dear wife.

“Oh yeah that’s right! I remembered it started with a letter ‘b’. Bum was the first thing that came to my head. My age must be catching up with me. ‘Cuddle-bug’ -- that was me!” remembers Alice Hammer with a huge toothy grin leaning her chin in the palm of her hand with her elbow held up by the table as sweet memories flood her thoughts.

Major Debourgh twitches in her dining room chair.

“That’s a cute name. I wonder what nicknames I’ll use one day” jokes Will Fitz trying to keep the conversation light.

“I have plenty of names that I call my dear Char” joins Collins into the conversation. Char’s facial color changes to pale white in fear that he will provide some examples for all of the guests “Tootlepops . . . big foot . . .”.

Char politely interrupts before Collins can continue “I think dear that perhaps you might want to tell everyone what your plans are for the Crestwood corps in the fall instead. It will be more interesting to all of us.”

“Yes, Major Debourgh has been an excellent role model and continual mentor. She is the prime example of supreme leadership in conducting oneself in officership. Her transformational guidance has been extremely beneficial in cultivating creativity and spontaneity within the limitations of my personal experience. Her bounteous generosity in bestowing her copious wisdom and abundant intellect has given me the ultimate opportunity to realize my full and complete potential.”

With a sigh not entirely amused by the zealous flattery, Jennings sarcastically quietly smirks to Darcy sitting beside her, “If he uses too many words over five letters long I have difficulty understanding and keeping up with him. I think he lost me at role model.”

Ignoring any comments from the ‘peanut gallery’, Major Debourgh nods her head with a noble air acknowledging Collins utter devotion to her instructional leadership.

“Darcy is quite the musician. My daughter, Anne, would have been a great composer too had she been given the opportunity to blossom within the ranks of those as gifted and talented as she is” remarks Major Debourgh wiping her mouth crisply with a pale yellow linen napkin.

“Oh really? What instrument do you play?” asks Liz wanting to include Anne in the conversation.

“I . . . I . . . well . . .” sighs Anne before being interrupted by her mother.

“Anne does not play an instrument. I only said that once given the opportunity she would have been quite the accomplished musician” insists Major Debourgh slightly sneering at Liz taking offense where none was intended.

“What do you like to do Anne? Not everyone likes music, but I’m sure that you have many things that you do enjoy instead” inserts Liz not having meant to embarrass Anne but only to encourage friendship with her.

“I don’t know” begins Anne not accustomed to being directly addressed in a crowd in which her mother shares the spotlight.

“She likes many things. She is very talented” projects Major Debourgh.

“I was asking Anne because each of us has things that we enjoy that we might not otherwise share with everyone unless asked” insists Liz trying to persuade Anne to be included in the conversation in order to get to know her better.

Cautiously, Anne looks up and meets her mother’s glaring eyes intently focused on a target as if on the back of Liz’s head.

“What do you like to do Anne?” also asks Alice Hammer offering a hobby of her own “I personally like knitting and singing with my cat, Peaches. Do you know that she knows how to say “I love you” back to me? I usually have to say it first, but she will repeat it to me, but I think she means it”.

Anne tries to stifle a giggle and submits by offering “I like to draw. Sketch, really with pencil. I like to sketch scenic views.”

“I don’t understand why she doesn’t use colors. The world is not black and white. I’ve proposed to buy her oils but she prefers using a regular school pencil” disgruntled adds Major Debourgh.

“You sketch?” politely asks Will “I like to do a bit of drawing myself. I have notebooks full of things that have momentarily inspired me.”

Lightening up with the thought of someone who shares her passion for drawing, “What sort of things do you draw?” courageously asks Anne.

“Last week I drew a trash can in an alley, a bench at the mall, and a bird on a wire” states Will Fitz trying to recall what was in his latest portfolio.

Anne frowns. This isn’t what she expected to hear. “Oh.” She looks down at her full plate of food and moves her fork around a few forgotten vegetables.

“Liz, since you seem to have an interest in exposing everyone else’s hobbies, what do you find to entertain yourself when others are not around to listen to your questions?” states Major Debourgh half-smiling at an attempt at possessing her own humor.

“Well, let’s see” taking in a deep breath Liz continues “I like to read and write some. I sing and play the piano a little . . . ”

“What? A ‘little’?” sharply states Major Debourgh “No one plays the piano a “little”. You either play or you do not.” Taking merciless aim, Major Debourgh continues “You are requesting that we admire you after superficially offering some false humility about your skill level until you perform before us so that you can be admired.”

Collins interjects “I’m sure that Major Debourgh would have been a prodigy in her youth had she had a chance to display one of her magnificent if yet unfulfilled talents” he earnestly continues “Major Debourgh is a quick learner and a master at many things”.

Char gazes at him across the table and takes a sip of lemonade to calculate her thoughts without visually responding.

“I’m not doing any such thing. I play some. In comparison to some individuals at this table, I play a ‘little’” Liz looks directly at Darcy and then over to her best friend, Char. “I am not fishing for compliments only to realistically lower expectations should the opportunity come up to play before any of my friends”.

“I think all of us have rather high expectations of you whether you play well or not” remarks Will trying to deflect Major Debourgh’s previous comments.

Shooting Will a scornful look and then ignoring him, “Well then, Liz, you will play for us after dinner. There are quite a few songbooks in the piano bench that have never been touched” demands Major Debourgh “you might find something you can play a “little” in them.”

Liz looks directly into her eyes and meets her gaze. “I’ll play for you because you ask me too. But I do believe either Darcy or Char would be better choices”.

“Nonsense, you are going to play for us this evening” directs Major Debourgh “Now that that is decided. I think the rest of us can proceed with dinner”.

After dinner has been consumed but not comfortably digested, the table of acquaintances and friends is dismissed into the family room which displays a large untouched shiny grand piano hidden in the shadows of the dark curtains.