Joshua 1:1-9; Numbers 12; Exodus 32
A Conversation with Joshua
It’s been a long forty years wandering in the desert. Moses seems like a good guy, but directions aren’t really his thing. I guess God had other plans for us though. There are a lot of enemies all over the countryside who are not too happy that a bunch of Egyptian slaves have now been freed and looking for a new place to settle.
Sometimes I wish that we could just find a place to settle down, but Moses keeps telling us about a “Promised Land” that God has told him about that will be flowing with milk and honey. In other words, lots of food and good things for us. We’ve lived our lives in neglect and know what it is to be without food, without things we need, without respect or really any rights to make a life of our own.
God has promised us something different. He promises to take care of us. So far He has. When we thought we were going to starve to death, He made manna appear out of nowhere each morning for us to eat. But what was strange is that we couldn’t “save” it for another day. There were no leftovers. He gave us water out of a hard rock in the middle of the desert surrounded by scorpions and poisonous snakes but each of us were kept safe! God made EXACTLY how much we needed at that time each day. It’s strange how God works sometimes.
God told Moses a lot of rules. I’m not really one for rules myself, but it seems if we follow what God wants us to do things go pretty well. It’s all about obedience to God. It’s been rough the few times that a handful of us decided to do our own thing. The Golden Calf was so bad that Moses threw and broke that first tablets that were actually written by the hand of God. He was really angry. I don’t know that I’d be throwing around something God touched and created with His own hand, but Moses sort-of lost it. He was pretty mad. God was giving a gift directly to us but instead we were having a party with a piece of metal. Not too good.
The laws aren’t so bad. But what I like the most is that Moses taught us how to worship. Everyone knows Moses and God are friends. He talks directly to Moses. One time I remember when Miriam was upset and gossiping about the girl Moses married, God decided to give Miriam leprosy which neither she nor Aaron were too happy about. Moses is a nice guy though. In fact, he’s one of the most humble people I know, he pleaded with God to make her well and she was healed within the week.
Moses is getting old now though. I’ve been training under him for a while now. You could say I’m sort-of the second-in-command. Moses talks about it being time to meet the Lord that he has loved so much during his lifetime. God seems to have a plan and design for each one of us. I wonder what my part will be?
So, time passes . . .
Moses went to be with the Lord today. I’m not sure how we will all survive. Somehow I’ve been left in charge and I’m not sure if I’m ready to have everyone follow me yet. Moses was a good leader even if it took us a long time to reach the Jordan. I’m going to take some time to worship at the altar and ask God where He wants us to go next because I’m really not sure what to do.
“Yes, Lord? Is that YOU speaking to me?? Yeah, I’m here.”
“As You can obviously see, we’re still standing and living in the middle of enemy country. We’ve got enemies on every side. A bunch of gang names that end in ‘ians’ and ‘ites’. It is one strange and foreign place. I don’t know these people and they don’t like us much either. They don’t like our clothes, our culture, or our attitude. “
“Yeah, I see the river. It’s known as the Jordan River around here but it doesn’t look very crossable to me. I know that the “Promise Land” You told Moses about is just across it though. I know You helped us out before. You’ll probably have to do it again. We haven’t made any boats, canoes, not even rafts. We’ve got a lot of wagons, a few carts and some sheep. The sheep might float for awhile, but not sure how well they swim . . .”
“(with a chuckle then sigh) Yes, Lord. I’m listening . . . Really? You’re going to give to us all kinds of terrain. We’ll own the deserts, the rivers, the mountains, and the Sea. We’ve never owned that much property before. We barely had homes in Egypt and the tents are all that we’ve had for the last forty years. They’re not very comfortable and all the bugs get in – at least the snakes and scorpions haven’t yet - it such a pain to pack everything up too and move it all the time. (roll eyes and shake head) Miriam is the worst complainer ever.”
“You will never leave us. You will never forsake us. Hmmm . . . Lord, have you noticed that there are a LOT of enemies surrounding us who don’t really want us here?! (a sense of panic) You promise that no one will be able to stand against us? Have you looked at what has been happening lately? They have some pretty strong weapons and their threats are pretty loud too. They enjoy being bullies if You haven’t noticed”.
“I hear what You are saying. Be strong. Be courageous. Hmmmm . . . You want me to lead them? You want me as an example to follow? Are you sure?”
“Yes, I am listening. So let me get this clear what You are saying it again to me is to: Be strong. Be VERY courageous. . . “
“You know how I’m feeling, Lord. It sounds like there will be times I might be afraid. It looks like I’ll see some things I really won’t like. I might even feel worried about my own safety or that of my family. Even so, You promise to be with me?”
“Yes, Lord. I’ll follow You. I’ll obey what You tell me. I’ll try not to make up my own rules or make excuses for some things that I would like to do but that You know are not good or wrong for me.”
“I’ve read the laws, but I also know what it is to Worship you. You’ve told me what to do. I’ll follow you. I’ll obey You. You’re going to make me successful when I am doing Your will wherever I go? That’s pretty amazing. You know, I guess if I obey You what happens is all in Your design and plan though in the end.”
“I promise not only to read Your Word but to meditate on it. I’ll try to absorb ALL that You want to tell me. I’ll let scripture ‘soak-in’ to my thoughts. I’ll let it ‘become’ and ‘mean’ something to me. Scripture will become a part of my life throughout the day and night. I’ll let Your Words become a part of who I am. Living the way You want me to will become my life”.
“I hear you again, Lord. You promise to be there for me. For what you have called me to do, You will bring success and prosperity. I’ll obey you. Yes, Lord. You know my heart is devoted to You.”
“Yes, Lord. I hear You. For the third time, You are reminding me yet again. It must be very important. I will be strong. I will be courageous. I will not be terrified. What You have told me is true. You will protect and keep me safe while I walk in the center of Your will and calling on my life. “
“Yes, sometimes what happens can be discouraging and threatens to defeat my spirit. You know, there are a lot of times things just don’t seem to be going right. The worst is when things just don’t happen as quickly as I think they should. But You’ve told me, “Do not be discouraged”. I’ll try not to. You have promised to be with me wherever I go, Lord.”
“I’ll obey You. I’ll trust you, Lord. I know You will come through for me. You keep your promises. You will never leave me. You will never forsake me.”
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