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Monday, October 10, 2016

Camp Mansfield - Chapter Six

The familiar creaks in the old chapel bring a sense of serenity as Faith counts the wooden splits below her feet that have been there for decades, polished many times over the years but remain as reminders of the guests who have knelt or prayed silently for things to come or that once were.
Leaning her head back in the solitude surrounding her, Faith hears the quietly chirping birds fluttering to communicate with each other where to find the best locations for food or others of their flock. Closing her eyes while listening to the clicking music of the crickets, she recalls many times sitting in the same exact place waiting for answers that seemed long in coming. Taking in a deep breath, Faith feels peaceful with calm reassurance that everything will work out all right.
Finding a more comfortable spot, Faith stretches her legs and opens her Bible again, rereading the lines to see if any new insight or perception seems to reveal itself to her. Praying silently about the longings in her heart, she feels that God is near to her and no matter what the outcome, He will be there.
Slowly with her hand, she strokes the printed line of her favorite Scripture verse of the well-worn Bible whose edges are bent and pages ruffled from tears and previous heartache.  She has read this passage so many times when seeking comfort and encouragement that the words gently flow in her whisper without having to intentionally remember them.  Quietly she nods her head in agreement as if someone has rested his hand on her shoulder telling her that everything is in His hands now.
Realizing that the horizon is higher in the sky, she glances down at her phone disappointed that her morning has gone too quickly before other chores are required.  She gathers her notebook placing it in her satchel and takes one last moment to rest before standing to face the day in front of her.
When exiting the simple place of retreat, Faith turns off the switch that controls the large humming ceiling fans cooling the room and wishes that she could stay longer even if only for a few moments, but her schedule is packed for the day with an demanding agenda of chores that has yet to be done.
Walking past the maintenance shop, she passes many co-workers who are also good friends. While still a distance away, they wave and smile as Faith does the same.  Some dust from railing on the rec hall porch has stained her jeans as Faith brushes away the clutter, she wishes that someone had invented an automatic cleaner built into her clothing for times just like these.
Analyzing the items listed on her clip board, she begins to prioritize what is needed and required for the day.  She feels disappointed that they will not be much free time to spend with Ted until this evening as many of the tasks will take most of the day. In the windy climate, Faith pulls back her straying hair behind her ear while she considers her next step.
Lost in her concentration, she doesn’t sense or hear someone approaching behind her.  She can feel two hands covering her eyes with a citrus scent of cologne that she knows well. She pulls away while turning around, but Ted moves closer. “I wondered where you were today.  I’ve been all over camp looking for you!”
Taking a step back, Faith replies “I have a lot to do today so I thought that I would get a head start.  It looks like it is going to be a long day.”
Moving next to her again to peer over her shoulder “It looks like an extended list.  I don’t know how you are going to get it all done.  Would you mind if I came along to help you?” asks Ted not moving away from her to speak or to wait for a response.
Sensing his closeness, Faith can feel her heart beat beginning to race, “Sure, it’s not easy though and you’ll get a bit dirty especially if you help me with the livestock.”
“I don’t mind.  See I’m dressed for it.  I wore my favorite blue plaid shirt and baseball hat that I found in my closet” demonstrates Ted as if a fashion model “I’ve haven’t worn this shirt for years, I’m surprised it still fits but it is more snug that I remember it being.  I had to wear a t-shirt under it and it doesn’t really button.  It use to be bigger, but I think the dryer must have made it shrink.”
Looking at him, Faith giggles and smacks him with the back of her hand in the gut that he is attempting to hold in for affect. Ted lets out a roll of hot air and starts to laugh.
After a few of the chores are completed, Faith and Ted wander over to the horse barn and find Apple Dumpling in her stall.  “She’s getting older now” explains Faith.  I think she is about as old as I am.  My parents gave her to me when my dad first became the Facility Director and I was very little.  I don’t think that she will be with me much longer.”
While Faith talks, Ted pets Apple Dumpling’s along her nose while feeding her an apple from the bent bucket beside her stall. Apple Dumpling neighs in delight and nudges Faith to pet her too and for another snack as well.  “She’s not been doing so well lately.  Mr. Thomas recently said that it might be time to let her go. I think it will break my heart but I don’t want to see her in any pain. She’s one of the last things that I have that my parents gave to me.”
Sympathetically, Ted places his arm around Faith’s shoulders as they walk to the feeding trough and share some memories of her parents.
“Some of the staff are having a late night campfire, would you like to go?” asks Faith “We get together every so often for a relaxing evening together when other groups are not on the camp grounds. It’s very laid back.  Mostly we cook hot dogs and s’mores, tell stories, and sing some.  It’s not meant to be  a planned event just a come-and-go-as-you-wish kind of thing.”
“Sounds great! I haven’t been to a cook out for a while now” excitedly replies Ted thinking of the possibilities “Do I need to bring anything?”
“Maybe some chips or soda, whichever” answers Faith glad that Ted is free to join her and her friends “I’ll see you later tonight.  Thanks so much for helping me today!”
“No problem.  I need to take a day off every once in a while” remarks Ted feeling very satisfied with the events of the day “Looking forward to seeing you tonight!”
Taking one last swoosh of bug spray, Faith comments to herself “I wish someone would find a way to make this stuff smell like perfume rather than a stinky medicine cabinet.  There is nothing that is terribly appealing about this smell but it is better than having a thousand red dots all over my face!”
Slipping on her boots since shoes would probably not be the most practical thing in the muddy areas surrounding the fire pit, she checks her reflection one last time and adds a touch of mauve lipstick to her rather minimal makeup of powder and blush.
Once arriving at the campfire, she realizes Ted has not arrived yet.  She places a blanket over the rustic treated logs meant for seating and finds a comfortable spot to sit.  Out of her satchel, she grabs a flash light and a bottle of water which she sets down on the ground next to her. Her longtime friends have started the fire which is now a controllable blaze.
Finally Ted arrives looking haggard and a bit worse for wear “Where’s your shoe?” asks Faith noticing a foot covered by a very muddy blue sock. 
“I lost it a way back.  I think it is buried in some mud pit. I forgot how muddy it gets in this area after it rains.  I just bought that pair last week” disgusted admits Ted “I should have worn my boots, but I must have left them at home.  I don’t wear them very often except when I’m here.”
“Here, you can wear these” offers Faith pulling out a pair of pink flip flops with smiley faces on them out of her satchel.  “I had them on earlier today while at the pool.  We were cleaning the filters from all the fall leaves.”
Reluctantly but without any other option Ted places the hot pink flip flops on which are about two sizes too small but at least they cover his feet from the random sticks and scattered stones. He rolls up the muddy ends of his jeans and tries to relax. 
While watching the fire, Faith suddenly slaps him on the arm. “What did you do that for?” surprised asks Ted.
“You had a mosquito on your arm.  I was trying to help you” admits Faith not sure if that was the right thing to do.
“Uh, thanks” replies Ted who then continues to swat his arms, legs, and feet trying to prevent bites from the unwanted creatures “Why are there so many?”
“I think it is because of your cologne, which by the way smells really good” impulsively adds Faith without realizing what she said until she hears the over emphasis of own words ‘really good’.  She immediately looks the other way and hopes that he was not listening.
Ted smiles at her but doesn’t say anything but he leans closer and asks her “What is your favorite part about camp?”
“I don’t know.  I think that I pretty much like everything about it” honestly replies Faith “Even in bad weather, camp has its own beauty.”
As they are talking two small creatures can be barely seen through the darkness waddling side by side and playing together.  “Look I think there are two cats over there playing together!” suggests Ted aiming his flashlight at them.
“I don’t think those are cats, Ted” corrects Faith shining her own flashlight on them “See how they have two white stripes down the middle?”
“See, I’ll show you” jumping up before Faith can say anything Ted chases after them “Come here kitty, kitty, come here!”
“Those aren’t cats!” advises Faith wondering what Ted’s next move will be.
“Aren’t they cute?!” offers Ted sneaking up quietly behind the pair “I’m going to take a picture of them.”
“I don’t think that would be a good idea” wisely offers Faith “I think it would be better if you just backed up slowly.”
“I’ll take a picture and then will leave them alone” whispers Ted not exactly seeing clearing what he is hoping to take a picture of but determined to anyway.
Taking his phone from his pocket, Ted aims the camera at the two ‘cats’ in front of him.  A large flash of light covers the darkness simultaneously as a horrendous odor filters the air surrounding him “Ugh, what is that awful smell? I can’t breathe!”
Next thing Faith sees in the firelight is Ted trying to hop and skip in his flip flops as fast as he can away from the ‘cats’ while tripping over a log by the fire.  The animals unsure of what to do since he is blocking their way spray again to protect their territory.
“Eeewww … wow they really got you!” exclaims Faith for a second not sure if she should help him up or just run in the opposite direction as she gags next to him.
“Why didn’t you tell me they were skunks?” whining pleads Ted trying to fan away the invisible relentless odor. “I would have left them alone!”
“You moved to quickly and you weren’t listening to me anyway” counters Faith trying to stifle her laughter while grabbing his hand to help him to stand in his flip flops that have moved to each side rather than under his feet.
“Come on Toad, I’ll take you back in my golf cart.  I don’t think you will want to ride in your own car at the moment” offers Faith pinning her nose with the other hand while leading him towards her golf cart.  “Where did you park anyway?”
“I parked over behind the Fort which is where I earlier lost my shoe” explains Ted disappointed that it didn’t turn out to be the potentially romantic evening he had planned for it to be not able to even tolerate his own smell let alone hope that Faith might.
“I’ve heard that a bath of tomato juice helps” offers Faith trying to be helpful having been sprayed once or twice before “However, using a quart of 3% hydrogen peroxide, ¼ cup of baking soda, and 1 teaspoon of liquid dish detergent will probably help to get the stink out of your clothes and you too!”
“Thanks!” sighs Ted feeling defeated exiting the cart at his parent’s home “I’ll see you tomorrow as long as I smell somewhat better.”
“I hope it works!” replies Faith enjoying the feeling of having made a new lifetime memory to share with him.

Camp Mansfield - Chapter Five

"Ted, really!" firmly states Mrs. Bartram "Are you going to spend another day with Faith?  She's so busy with all the animals and her other duties, I'm sure you are crowding into her time and space."
"I don't know.  I don't think Faith minds.  She's hasn't complained to me yet" smiles Ted grabbing his light blue jacket and heading down the hallway away from the discussion with his mother.
"I just think you should probably give Faith a break for a few days.  She might get the wrong idea that you are interested in her" searches Mrs. Bartram wondering if there might be any truth to confirm her gut feeling "You look like you are chasing her."
Sensing his mother's panic and unnecessary possible interference, "Faith and I have been friends for years, we know exactly where we are with each other" replies Ted not even slightly sure if they are in reality on the same page.
"You shouldn't get her hopes up.  There are so many other women who are much more accomplished and successful that would suit you better.  Why waste her time?  It's unkind" shrewdly remarks Mrs. Bartram in a pseudo tone of sympathy  "She's much too sensitive and you will hurt her."
"I think Faith can figure out how she feels one way or another without anyone else deciding for her" observes Ted "Faith is one of the most rational and reasonable people I know".
In response Mrs. Bartram tightens her lips and makes a swift turn to head down the stairs to find Thomas in the kitchen who may be able to provide some needed support in sharing her own opinion without ever actually agreeing with her.
Finding his rather luxurious golf cart parked in front of the house that was given to him by his father who couldn't see the point of it, Ted chooses instead to use a utility cart. Quickly through the fields, Ted drives over the grassy terrain in the director of Faith's small cottage a couple of miles away from his parent's home on the other side of camp.
As soon as Sampson hears the familiar sound of the cart, he dashes out his dog door and heads straight towards Ted to leap just in time into the front seat before the cart has stopped moving. "You want to go for a ride Sampson? Ok, let's go!"
Making circle eights in the dusty road, Sampson barks as if enjoying each curve and sway. He licks Ted happily on the cheek in pure pleasure of the breeze running through his floppy ears. Sampson takes his paw and pats Ted as if giving him a thank you for the unexpected joy ride.
"Come on fella, it's time to find Faith" petting him on the head Ted thinks about what he will talk to Faith about today.
Walking up the concrete steps to a porch just big enough to hold a wooden rocking chair and a small stand with an open book resting on top with a laminated fall leaf marking the recent read page, Ted softly knocks on the door waiting in anticipation for what the day might bring.
"Oh, you're here early" as Faith opens the door trying to hide behind it but failing.  Wearing her fuzzy Oscar from Sesame Street slippers given to her by her favorite camper, she has a facial mask that she bought at the local grocery store plastered on her face and her hair in bulky hot rollers. After catching a glimpse of herself in the reflection of the glossy frame next to the door, she scrambles to remove the mask hoping that somehow he missed her ghost-like appearance.  "Uuuhhh... why don't you sit down and I'll be ready to go in a minute or two."
Finding her attractive in her oddness, Ted finds his way to the kitchenette and microwaves a cup of instant vanilla cappuccino coffee.  "Do you have any real coffee?"
"No" Faith answers from the other room "Sorry, I don't like coffee except once in a blue moon. We can stop at some cafe place in town if you would like some.  It would probably taste much better."
While waiting for Faith to finish, Ted takes a sip and sticks out his tongue as if this might be the last fake coffee he will ever try and pours the rest of the dark liquid down the kitchen sink drain before Faith can notice.  "I like the lemon pound cake at Star Cups, maybe we could stop there on our way in to town. What do you think?"
"Sounds like a great idea!" answers Faith entering the room and appearing in a much more together state. "I'll just grab my purse and then we can go."
As the sit next to each other in the golf cart making their way to the front office where Faith parks her car on most days, her phone begins to ring a familiar tone that Ted recognizes as soon as he hears it.
"Wooly Bully?" asks Ted making an L-7 with his hands for 'square' at the same time as Faith back at him. "You remembered!  It was our secret signal to each other when we needed either of us to intervene for one reason or another. Who was the lucky person to get this ring tone?  I'm disappointed it wasn't me."
"It belongs to my brother, Will" feeling a little more courageous Faith adds " But it did use to belong to you when you still called me once in awhile."
"You should have kept it for me.  It was our special code" mocking but someone sadly states Ted wondering what his ring tone might be now.  "What is your brother doing now?"
"He's in the military but he is coming home hopefully for Thanksgiving on leave.  You'll be able to see him then" excitedly Faith offers "He'll be very glad to see you.  You were like a mentor to him."
"I'm looking forward to it!" genuinely replies Ted "I always liked your brother.  He has a lot of good sense like you do.  He was particularly perceptive at seeing through people way before anyone else.  But he is still a good guy and friends with everyone."
"Will works in military intelligence, so those kind of traits come in handy" shares Faith thrilled to be talking about her brother to someone who knows him. "He likes what he does, but I often don't have many details until an event is over or sometimes the information remains vague and unanswerable."
"Is he married or dating anyone?" asks Ted wanting to know if Faith's family has grown any since she lost her parents.
"No, not really.  It would be nice if he found someone around here, then we would see each other more often" suggests Faith wishing that her brother was not absent for long periods of time. "He stays with me when he is on leave and we try to make the most of that time together."
"Let me look at your phone a minute" asks Ted curious to see the rather small size compared to his own. "I don't think they make this version any more.  In fact, I don't think they've made one like this for years."
"You're right.  Last year I was so upset that my phone stopped working.  I took it to the store and they told me that I could trade it in.  They had stopped making this version three years before then.  But fortunately after looking at it, they realized that I had just forgotten to download the most recent update and it worked fine after doing so.  I didn't bother to trade it in, it would be like losing an old friend" contemplatively replies Faith rubbing the worn edges of her phone.
"I think it is time to make some new friends" replies Ted astonished that she could have managed with such an antique.  He is often one of the first to order a new version of a phone months in advance to make sure he has the latest technology in his hands.
"Whatever, it doesn't bother me except when the updates slow down my phone.  Lately, I haven't been able to store as many pictures because of the memory that the new updates seem to hoard" disgusted remarks Faith feeling a personal disappointment that the phone company does not offer a smaller reduced update for the version of her discontinued phone.
Turning his head to the side, Ted smiles at her lost in his thoughts. "Do you ever Face-time with your brother?"
"Oh no.  I haven't figured that out yet. I don't think that I'd want anyone seeing what I looked like anyway most days.  I talk wherever I am and whenever.  I don't think that it would be a pretty picture" sincerely offers Faith feeling rather horrified remembering times brushing her teeth or plucking her eyebrows while talking on the speaker phone, or munching her favorite cheese puffs on the couch.  "No, it wouldn't be a good idea".
Ted blankly stares at her in disbelief. "You know you should at least try to catch up with this decade."
"Why?  I'm an antique and don't mind it so much" jokingly remarks Faith feeling a little out of sync at the moment.
"Here let me see your phone a moment" insists Ted taking the rather outdated phone from her hand.  He punches a few buttons into his own larger phone and then hands the newer phone back to her. "Here, I think there will be someone on the other end who wants to talk with you."
"Hi sis!" welcomes a familiar voice coming from her phone.
"Hey!  I can see you!" excitedly dances Faith's voice and expression "How are you doing?"
"This is great!  I can actually see you!" replies Will "Did someone finally teach you how to use Face time?"
"Yeah, Ted did" explains Faith as Ted leans in very close to her to see himself on the screen as well.
"Hi Will!  How are things?" asks Ted glad to see Will looking good.
"Ahh!  So you're with Faith again?" happily Will comments "She's certainly missed you."
Faith shakes her head behind Ted to warn her brother not to expose her feelings and also not wanting Ted to see her reaction,  but Faith does not realize that Ted can see Faith shaking her head behind him on the screen and starts to chuckle.
"Yeah, Faith's missed me quite a lot.  She can't live without me.  I am her one and only" jokes Ted suddenly wishing that were really the case but enjoying the moment.
Faith rolls her eyes in mock disgust, "Yeah his only - as in the only one that he can find that will pay any attention to him."
"I just love her" bluntly states Ted wrapping his arm around her shoulder and giving her a tight squeeze that her brother can see on the small screen. "She's my honey!"
In reaction to her own desire, Faith blushes but in a joking voice "Yes, sweetheart" then makes a rather comical face into the phone that makes her brother laugh reminding him of many times in childhood when they would have a contest to see who could make the most ugly face to make the other laugh first.
"I hear you might be coming this Thanksgiving.  Is that true?" hopefully asks Ted wishing that something nice would happen for Faith.
"Yes, I've requested leave and so far it seems like it will happen this year" replies Will missing his sister and friend much more than he expected at that moment.
"We're looking forward to seeing you!" replies Ted "You're part of our family, it isn't the same without you."
"Thanks!  I'll be there" confirms Will "Hey, I have to go.  My superior just came in.  I'll talk to you later.  Love you sis!  Good to hear from you too, Ted!"
"Thank you for letting me talk to my brother.  I haven't really used Face-time much except when I accidentally turned it on when talking to one of my professors last year.  I'd rather not explain.  It really wasn't a moment I choose to remember ..." grimacing at the memory Faith's voice trails off.  "It's one of my more embarrassing moments that I'd rather not share."
Although nothing is explained, Ted can imagine what likely happened and laughs to himself.  It was obviously mortifying for Faith who seems to be shrinking by the second into her seat next to him while remembering that dreadful moment.  Subconsciously Ted stretches out his hand and covers Faith's hand to comfort her.  After a second or two, they both realize that he is holding her hand.
Neither want to move, but both sit quietly in the awkward silence afraid to be the first one to move. Abruptly, an impatient driver behind them honks their car horn breaking the solace as both jump to attention immediately separating their hands. 
In response Ted grasps both of his hands to the steering wheel to provide emotional support while Faith wipes her hands down the sides of her sundress wondering if she might have won an Guinness record for sweating too much in thirty seconds.  Both deeply sigh in unison and turn in opposite directions to look at their car window.
"I think that I need to get some coffee" absentmindedly shares Ted pulling into the parking space at Star Cups. 
"I think that sounds like a good idea" anxiously states Faith picking up the belongings of her purse that have scattered on the floor of the passenger side revealing items that she wished had stayed hidden along with an old photo of Ted and her as teens, some lipstick, a book, a grocery list and other random receipts.  Faith throws the items into quickly into her purse as fast as she can but through the corner of her eyes can see Ted watching her and wonders if he happened to notice.

Camp Mansfield - Chapter Four

"Faith!  Wait up for me!" breathless shouts Ted running after her golf cart that has just left the administration office and heading towards the dining room for some breakfast with the other staff members.
Faith pounds on the breaks and because of the restless gravel in the parking lot slides to a prolonged halt.  "I didn't see you!" laughs Faith finding it rather humorous that the once athletic Ted is not quite so in shape as he use to be when they were teens. 
As Ted starts to climb into the cart, she gently steps on the gas moving the cart slightly forward.  Ted looks at her and laughs while making a second attempt to step in.  Again, she teasingly pushes on the gas and Ted hops a few inches on one foot with the other resting in the cart.  He softly pushes her shoulder with his free hand as he did often when they were younger and climbs in and with a happy smile "You're still ornery as always."
"How are you doing this morning?" asks Faith wondering how he is managing with an earlier schedule than his typical office routine. 
With an uncontrollable yawn, "I'm awake.  But I'll probably need a couple of coffee cups to keep me this in this state" admiring the beautiful horizon of orange, gold, and pink in front of him  "It's been a long time since I've been up before sunrise and managed to be ready for the day. However I would say this sunrise is worth it!"
"Mornings are one of my favorite things about living here" admits Faith "In the morning, I often sit by the cross over the lake during my devotions.  The colors of the sunrise reflect on the water and it's one of the most peaceful places in camp."
"Sounds like it would be nice" agrees Ted "Sometimes I find myself too busy but can only grab a few minutes alone to meditate in my office.  I think at camp you would be daily reminded of God's presence in everything that surrounds you."
"Yes, sometimes it feels that way even on the days that are hectic" concurs Faith taking a deep breath in of the sweet aroma of the peach and violet chrysanthemums outlining the concrete golf cart trail to the dining hall.
As they head down the road, Ted comfortably rests his arm behind Faith.  "Why did it take you so long to visit again?"
Looking momentarily concerned, Ted leans forward and shifts in his chair and vaguely replies "I've just been very busy".
"Oh.  I guess it is rather far for you to come now that you work at territorial headquarters" puzzled replies Faith not sure what caused Ted's sudden change in mood.  "It's been a little over five years since you spent more than a day here.  At least you will have time to catch up with your family."
"Yes, I suppose so" signs Ted appearing lost in his thoughts "Have you been busy too?  Whatever happen to Russell Worth?  Last time I was here he seemed rather interested in you."
"You mean Rush?  Nothing.  Absolutely nothing.  He's crazy.  Anyway, he's dating Mariah and has been for awhile.  Didn't you know?" shocked inquires Faith dubious that Ted would not know the romantic adventures of his younger sister.
"Really? I don't talk to Mariah much other than making sure she is actually attending her college classes.  It will be amazing if she ever finishes" confesses Ted " I think she's looking towards an M.R.S. degree rather than one she can actually use for an occupation.  I had no idea she was dating Rush."
"They're practically engaged.  Although I think Mariah might want to defer a wedding for awhile.  She's hoping that she will be discovered soon and  her singing career will take off" replies Faith mimicking what she has been repeatedly told by Mrs. Bartram who has high but delusional dreams of her daughters attempts to be famous.
"Mariah sing?  She's tone deaf!" rebukes Ted shaking his head "I don't ever remember her being able to stay in the same key for an entire song."
In hearing his statement, Faith blushes but doesn't respond not entirely sure how her agreement with his statement would be taken by the rest of the family.
"She tells everyone that she was named after Mariah Carey but truly that is where the similarity ends.  Hasn't dad talked any sense into her yet?" pleadingly requests Ted "What about you?"
"Oh no.  I'm not going anywhere near that one" wisely remarks Faith "Eventually she'll figure out that she does many other things well and it would be better for her to concentrate on them".
Leading back into his seat, Ted rolls his eyes and sighs. "It's hopeless.  I should have never given her that Chrissie Candie mighty mic when she was ten, she's been in her deranged state since then".
"It's not that bad" counters Faith knowing that she might be stretching the truth just a little "It will all work out for what it is meant to be".
"So Rush and you didn't get together?" slowing inquires Ted relieved that the answer might be what he is hoping for.
"No, not at all.  I'm not his type.  I was never really interested in Rush.  He was nice to me but that was it" remembers Faith suddenly understanding that Ted might have been a little jealous of Rush then but not entirely sure.
"You were too good for him, but I didn't think you could see it" bluntly states Ted more confident to share his opinion now that time has passed "You seemed to have your act together while Rush was still trying to figure out which end was up."
'You're probably right" reflects Faith not sure what else to say and this new discovery of possible former interest on Ted's part.
"He's definitely a lot more like Mariah" considers Ted "They're both very ambitious but rather directionless."
Widening her eyes, Faith doesn't know how to respond to a remark about Ted's potential brother-in-law and sister. "Oh" is all she can managed.
"To be honest, he's one of the reasons why I didn't come back for awhile.  Since we were such good friends, I decided to give you some space to see if things would work out with him" shares Ted not quite telling the truth that he had already believed that Faith had made a choice and it wasn't him.
"No, that would have never worked out.  I never saw him in that way in my life" truthfully shares Faith trying to figure out how to say the next statement without revealing too much  "I think I was looking elsewhere but the man I was looking at seems to be focused on someone else."
"That was a stupid guy" sharply remarks Ted and then to encourage her "Any guy that wouldn't look at you first is an idiot."
"Yeah, well that didn't happen" softly murmurs Faith "It's okay though. I don't think that I was ready for any kind of permanent relationship at that time."
"Probably not. I know that I wasn't." considers Ted looking over to her but turning away as soon as she moves her head to look at him  "But I can't help but sometimes wish things had worked out differently a few years ago."
"Here we are!" exclaims Faith relieved to change the conversation but wishing that she had been able to share more "The door is just on the other side.  Everything is still buffet style for most meals as it has been for years."
Walking up the split wood plated porch, Ted holds the door open for Faith as she ducks under his arm and moves ahead of him through the glass door entry.  Ted gently leaning towards her, smells her fresh blossom shampoo triggering memories of pushing her on a tire swing by the soccer field when they were in high school. Ted smiles to himself and cheerfully follows behind Faith.

Sunday, October 9, 2016

Camp Mansfield - Chapter Three

Looking at the huge pile of shirts laying across her bed, Faith closes her eyes in frustration.  Nothing seems to look right.  Either she’s worn the shirt too much, it is too tight from when she wore it a couple of months ago, or too big from last year, or not the right color or in too busy of a pattern, too boring or too outrageous .... nothing .... not-one-single-top seems right.  She hasn’t even started to look at her shoes yet.
Faith stands in front of the mirror one more time and smirks. “This isn’t it” she thinks to herself “I should have gone shopping last weekend and then I would have had at least something to wear but I didn’t know he was coming. At least I have one pair of jeans that are fairly new that I can wear.”
Glancing at her shoe rack, Faith passes over the tennis shoes, pauses at the Mary Janes, but then aims her vision towards the attractive red strappy stilettos that she hasn’t worn in six months since her last birthday. “I’d like to wear these but I will be sitting on every bench that we pass in desperate need for a five minute break”.  She moves her gaze over to a pair of comfortable chocolate brown wedge shoes.  “This might be a only a little more dressed up than flats but at least I won’t fall in them”.
“Now to accomplish something with my hair” which looks like it might actually be in a contest for a fur ball of frizz, Faith plugs in her straightener with not much hope of success. 
“It doesn’t matter what I look like, he’ll just enjoy being with me again” Faith tries to unconvincingly comfort herself feeling as if her attire is completely inadequate for the impression that she would like to make.  “Maybe I should wear a sundress, but it is so cold today. Every other day for the past few months has felt like summer, but unfortunately not today. Jeans will have to do.”
Searching through the magazines under her night stand for a moment of inspiration, Faith signs in resignation “For once, I wish I had a least an interest in fashion so I would know what to wear and how to look good, but I haven’t got a clue.”
A bell echoes through her tiny cottage, “he’s here” whispers Faith to herself taking one last look into the mirror and realizing that she forgot to put on her makeup in her indecisiveness in choosing what to wear that day.  “Ugh, why can’t I get myself together?”  She grabs the nearest baseball cap on the shelf by the door and pulls it down over her face as she opens the door to meet Ted.
On seeing Faith with a baseball cap on and looking towards the ground so that he cannot see her face, Ted asks “Are you okay?”
“Yeah, I just forgot something” muffles Faith keeping her face towards the ground desperate for him not to catch a clear view “Come on in, I’ll be back in a few minutes”.
Wondering what she is hiding from him, Ted bends down to speak to her under lifting up the bill of the baseball cap, “Do you need any help?”
Faith starts to laugh because her disguise is not working, “No, I just forgot to put on my makeup.  Give me a few minutes and I’ll look much better.”
“You look fine to me with or without the makeup” sincerely remarks Ted remembering plenty of times swimming together in the camp pool enjoying each other’s company.  He laughs to himself remembering her absentmindedness and finding it pleasantly endearing.
While Faith disappears into the other room, Ted finds a comfortable spot on the outdated floral sofa. On the walls are framed photos that Faith has taken over the years of the campground.  They are artistic and good enough to be something that might be purchased in a gallery.  Unknown to Faith, a few years ago he had a few of the pictures that she sent to him blown up and placed in expensive wooden frames around his home. The photos are often a centerpiece of conversation when visitors have come to his own home and he has bragged about the skill of his best friend who is a photographer.
Hearing the shuffle in the front room, Sampson rushes through the dog door and pounces on Ted’s lap spreading out comfortably head to toe.  “So, you’re Sampson” the happy dog prods Ted’s hand with his nose prompting him to be petted. “Good boy” scratching him behind the ears as his tail furiously wags against the cushions of the sofa.
“Sampson get down!” demands Faith shocked and embarrassed that her dog has commanded attention so quickly.
“He’s okay. I wish that I had a dog again. It’s been awhile because of traveling so much.  He’s very friendly” chides Ted as Sampson moves closer to snuggle into him.
“Sampson behave!” commands Faith gently taking him by the collar and moving him to the floor.  In response Sampson plops down and pouts in the corner with his face nesting between his paws. 
Following behind Faith with a smile, Ted walks over and pats Sampson on the head “It’s okay buddy, maybe she’ll let me stay longer next time”. Faith turns her head on hearing this comment and Ted winks at her.  Blushing Faith replies “Well, we’ll see.”
“I like your car” replies Faith attaching the seat belt into its lock and leaning back into the comfortable seat.
“It’s not mine, but a floater from divisional headquarters for my time as a consultant in the division this month” remarks Ted genuinely grateful for the transportation that was provided “I agree, it’s very nice.  I hope you don’t mind but I need to check on the publicity booth at the fair while we are there.”
“No problem, I’m just glad that I’m able to go with you today.  It’s a nice change from the routine” replies Faith very content with her life at this moment. 
While driving the hour into town for the state fair, Ted finds Faith as easy to talk to as she has always been.  “Do you remember when we climbed the tree by the craft hut and you couldn’t get back down?”
“Yes, I was competing with you on who could go the highest, but then once I was up there realized that it was way too far from the ground” exclaims Faith feeling breathless at the recollection “You were kind enough to come up and help me back down.  I think that I would have possibly never made it down without your help! I was so scared.  I don’t know why it didn’t enter my brain that I might have to come down after climbing up, I just wanted to win.”
“Do you remember getting stung by all the bees?” asks Faith “It was awful.  I felt so sorry for you!”
“Yeah, you put calamine lotion all over me and then you had it in your hair but I didn’t tell you” remarks Ted feeling slightly guilty “I liked the pink streaks. I was disappointed when the cook, Mrs. Norris, told you in the dining room while you were doing announcements.  I probably would have waited much longer.” 
Joking with him, Faith punches Ted gently in the arm.  “At least I didn’t wear my shorts backwards to chapel!”
“Ugh, why did you have to bring that up? I was harassed about that for days” blushes Ted at the memory.
“What were you doing anyway?” chides Faith wondering how that would even happen.
“We were playing King of the Hill on the bunkbeds and running late because of goofing around. Our counselor came in looking for the group of us and said we had to leave right then for chapel or we would miss our free time later that day.  I just grabbed the nearest pair of shorts and put them on without looking.  They felt very uncomfortable walking but I didn’t bother to look down to see what the problem might be, unfortunately everyone else did.  And you seemed to be the very first one” shaking his head “Sometimes …”
“I thought it was hysterical!” laughs Faith “I thought that you might possibly have done it on purpose.”
“Remember when you tried to bleach your hair and it turned orange?” laughs Ted still finding it humorous after all these years.
“Oh yeah, no one told me I couldn’t go swimming after a perm.  It stayed like that for weeks” shaking her head, Faith brushes her hair with her hand at the memory. “I think that I wore a baseball cap most of the summer.”
While at the park their conversation of old times continues as it starts to rain.  Afraid that Faith might catch a chill, he puts his jacket around her shoulders and keeps his arm around her so that jacket will not slip. Faith relaxes in his company and finds the chatter refreshing like a new day is beginning.
“Do you want some funnel cake?” asks Ted as the sweet vanilla and caramel aroma fills the area by the food stand.
“Most definitely!” replies Faith walking next to him as he leads the way “I think it is my favorite amusement park item.”
“Mine too” agrees Ted paying the cashier and balancing the two plates over to a covered picnic table with a purple striped umbrella advertising a popular soda.
“Faith, if you could choose to do anything that you wanted to do, what would it be?” asks Ted wondering how Faith might fit into his life.
“Good question.  I like to do a lot of things, but I would want whatever I chose to do to be something that would make me happy and content” vaguely answers Faith taking a powdered sugar bite of her funnel cake.
“Do you want to stay at camp the rest of your life or would you be open to doing something else?” sincerely inquires Ted wanting to find out exactly what Faith’s goals are.
“Well, right now it seems that camp is the place I’m meant to be. If another door should open up that I feel God is leading me to, I’ll listen to Him” considers Faith wondering why Ted is asking her these questions. “What about you?  Do you like what you are doing?”
“Yes for now, but I can’t help but feel there might be something more meaningful that I could do.  I like what I’m doing now and I believe that I’m helping people where I am, but I have a nagging feeling that I might find more fulfillment doing something else” confidentially shares Ted feeling as if Faith is one of the few people who truly understand him.
“I think you will do well at whatever you choose to do” confidently remarks Faith believing that Ted is probably the most well-rounded person that she knows. “You have so many skills and talents, but you have a great personality too that is kind and considerate of others.”
“Faith, you always seem to have the right words to say that make me feel good about myself” bluntly states Ted looking directly at her “I feel the same way about you too.”
Returning his gaze, Faith can feel herself unintentionally blush. “Thank you” is all she can manage to say.
“At one point many years ago I wanted to be a pastor and corps officer.  My parents highly recommended that I go to college and have a career first which I’ve been doing the last ten years. I’m glad they encouraged me to get my education because it is necessary whether I am in business or clergy.  I feel that I can serve God wholeheartedly in either occupation” Waiting for confirmation that Faith is listening, Ted courageously continues “But recently, the thought of officer-ship seems to be coming up again and I find myself asking for some direction.  I’m not ready to go to training right now by any means, but I’m probably more open to it now that I have been for a long time.”
Not surprised, Faith nods her head and contemplates what Ted is quietly sharing with her.
“Faith, have you ever considered being an officer?  What do you think of it?” lightly prods Ted not entirely sure what her response will be.
“I think it is a place that is meant for those who feel called to do it.  I think if someone is going to be an officer, they need to prepare themselves as much for the life of service that is ahead of them as they can including education, volunteering, a lifestyle of giving, and learning how to communicate well with others” contemplates Faith “It really isn’t meant for everyone, but I think that God does call people into many different areas of service and surrender to Him whether it is officer-ship, a church leader, or a member of the community that is a representative of Him.”
“But what about you, would you consider being an officer?” asking a more direct question, Ted intensifies his tone.
“Yes, I think so. But I would need God to tell me in no uncertain terms that this is what He wants me to do” truthfully says Faith “I don’t think God usually speaks in ultimatums though.  He does like us to take a step in faith, just like my name.”
“Knowing when and how to take the step sometimes is the most difficult thing to know though” remarks Ted pondering if Faith would ever be an officer with him.
At that moment Ted’s phone announces that a text has just been received, Ted glances at it.  “It looks like my mother is impatient for me to get back to take her to dinner she always has the worst timing.  Are you ready?”
“Yes, thanks for letting me borrow your jacket” handing it back to him, Faith continues “It’s been a lovely day and I’ve enjoyed talking with you quite a lot and its been fun catching up on old times!”
“I’ve enjoyed the day with you too.  We’ll definitely have to go out again, but you get to choose where you want to go next time and I won’t have to work at all” informs Ted hoping that the next time will only be a few hours and not days away.