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Monday, October 10, 2016

Camp Mansfield - Chapter Six

The familiar creaks in the old chapel bring a sense of serenity as Faith counts the wooden splits below her feet that have been there for decades, polished many times over the years but remain as reminders of the guests who have knelt or prayed silently for things to come or that once were.
Leaning her head back in the solitude surrounding her, Faith hears the quietly chirping birds fluttering to communicate with each other where to find the best locations for food or others of their flock. Closing her eyes while listening to the clicking music of the crickets, she recalls many times sitting in the same exact place waiting for answers that seemed long in coming. Taking in a deep breath, Faith feels peaceful with calm reassurance that everything will work out all right.
Finding a more comfortable spot, Faith stretches her legs and opens her Bible again, rereading the lines to see if any new insight or perception seems to reveal itself to her. Praying silently about the longings in her heart, she feels that God is near to her and no matter what the outcome, He will be there.
Slowly with her hand, she strokes the printed line of her favorite Scripture verse of the well-worn Bible whose edges are bent and pages ruffled from tears and previous heartache.  She has read this passage so many times when seeking comfort and encouragement that the words gently flow in her whisper without having to intentionally remember them.  Quietly she nods her head in agreement as if someone has rested his hand on her shoulder telling her that everything is in His hands now.
Realizing that the horizon is higher in the sky, she glances down at her phone disappointed that her morning has gone too quickly before other chores are required.  She gathers her notebook placing it in her satchel and takes one last moment to rest before standing to face the day in front of her.
When exiting the simple place of retreat, Faith turns off the switch that controls the large humming ceiling fans cooling the room and wishes that she could stay longer even if only for a few moments, but her schedule is packed for the day with an demanding agenda of chores that has yet to be done.
Walking past the maintenance shop, she passes many co-workers who are also good friends. While still a distance away, they wave and smile as Faith does the same.  Some dust from railing on the rec hall porch has stained her jeans as Faith brushes away the clutter, she wishes that someone had invented an automatic cleaner built into her clothing for times just like these.
Analyzing the items listed on her clip board, she begins to prioritize what is needed and required for the day.  She feels disappointed that they will not be much free time to spend with Ted until this evening as many of the tasks will take most of the day. In the windy climate, Faith pulls back her straying hair behind her ear while she considers her next step.
Lost in her concentration, she doesn’t sense or hear someone approaching behind her.  She can feel two hands covering her eyes with a citrus scent of cologne that she knows well. She pulls away while turning around, but Ted moves closer. “I wondered where you were today.  I’ve been all over camp looking for you!”
Taking a step back, Faith replies “I have a lot to do today so I thought that I would get a head start.  It looks like it is going to be a long day.”
Moving next to her again to peer over her shoulder “It looks like an extended list.  I don’t know how you are going to get it all done.  Would you mind if I came along to help you?” asks Ted not moving away from her to speak or to wait for a response.
Sensing his closeness, Faith can feel her heart beat beginning to race, “Sure, it’s not easy though and you’ll get a bit dirty especially if you help me with the livestock.”
“I don’t mind.  See I’m dressed for it.  I wore my favorite blue plaid shirt and baseball hat that I found in my closet” demonstrates Ted as if a fashion model “I’ve haven’t worn this shirt for years, I’m surprised it still fits but it is more snug that I remember it being.  I had to wear a t-shirt under it and it doesn’t really button.  It use to be bigger, but I think the dryer must have made it shrink.”
Looking at him, Faith giggles and smacks him with the back of her hand in the gut that he is attempting to hold in for affect. Ted lets out a roll of hot air and starts to laugh.
After a few of the chores are completed, Faith and Ted wander over to the horse barn and find Apple Dumpling in her stall.  “She’s getting older now” explains Faith.  I think she is about as old as I am.  My parents gave her to me when my dad first became the Facility Director and I was very little.  I don’t think that she will be with me much longer.”
While Faith talks, Ted pets Apple Dumpling’s along her nose while feeding her an apple from the bent bucket beside her stall. Apple Dumpling neighs in delight and nudges Faith to pet her too and for another snack as well.  “She’s not been doing so well lately.  Mr. Thomas recently said that it might be time to let her go. I think it will break my heart but I don’t want to see her in any pain. She’s one of the last things that I have that my parents gave to me.”
Sympathetically, Ted places his arm around Faith’s shoulders as they walk to the feeding trough and share some memories of her parents.
“Some of the staff are having a late night campfire, would you like to go?” asks Faith “We get together every so often for a relaxing evening together when other groups are not on the camp grounds. It’s very laid back.  Mostly we cook hot dogs and s’mores, tell stories, and sing some.  It’s not meant to be  a planned event just a come-and-go-as-you-wish kind of thing.”
“Sounds great! I haven’t been to a cook out for a while now” excitedly replies Ted thinking of the possibilities “Do I need to bring anything?”
“Maybe some chips or soda, whichever” answers Faith glad that Ted is free to join her and her friends “I’ll see you later tonight.  Thanks so much for helping me today!”
“No problem.  I need to take a day off every once in a while” remarks Ted feeling very satisfied with the events of the day “Looking forward to seeing you tonight!”
Taking one last swoosh of bug spray, Faith comments to herself “I wish someone would find a way to make this stuff smell like perfume rather than a stinky medicine cabinet.  There is nothing that is terribly appealing about this smell but it is better than having a thousand red dots all over my face!”
Slipping on her boots since shoes would probably not be the most practical thing in the muddy areas surrounding the fire pit, she checks her reflection one last time and adds a touch of mauve lipstick to her rather minimal makeup of powder and blush.
Once arriving at the campfire, she realizes Ted has not arrived yet.  She places a blanket over the rustic treated logs meant for seating and finds a comfortable spot to sit.  Out of her satchel, she grabs a flash light and a bottle of water which she sets down on the ground next to her. Her longtime friends have started the fire which is now a controllable blaze.
Finally Ted arrives looking haggard and a bit worse for wear “Where’s your shoe?” asks Faith noticing a foot covered by a very muddy blue sock. 
“I lost it a way back.  I think it is buried in some mud pit. I forgot how muddy it gets in this area after it rains.  I just bought that pair last week” disgusted admits Ted “I should have worn my boots, but I must have left them at home.  I don’t wear them very often except when I’m here.”
“Here, you can wear these” offers Faith pulling out a pair of pink flip flops with smiley faces on them out of her satchel.  “I had them on earlier today while at the pool.  We were cleaning the filters from all the fall leaves.”
Reluctantly but without any other option Ted places the hot pink flip flops on which are about two sizes too small but at least they cover his feet from the random sticks and scattered stones. He rolls up the muddy ends of his jeans and tries to relax. 
While watching the fire, Faith suddenly slaps him on the arm. “What did you do that for?” surprised asks Ted.
“You had a mosquito on your arm.  I was trying to help you” admits Faith not sure if that was the right thing to do.
“Uh, thanks” replies Ted who then continues to swat his arms, legs, and feet trying to prevent bites from the unwanted creatures “Why are there so many?”
“I think it is because of your cologne, which by the way smells really good” impulsively adds Faith without realizing what she said until she hears the over emphasis of own words ‘really good’.  She immediately looks the other way and hopes that he was not listening.
Ted smiles at her but doesn’t say anything but he leans closer and asks her “What is your favorite part about camp?”
“I don’t know.  I think that I pretty much like everything about it” honestly replies Faith “Even in bad weather, camp has its own beauty.”
As they are talking two small creatures can be barely seen through the darkness waddling side by side and playing together.  “Look I think there are two cats over there playing together!” suggests Ted aiming his flashlight at them.
“I don’t think those are cats, Ted” corrects Faith shining her own flashlight on them “See how they have two white stripes down the middle?”
“See, I’ll show you” jumping up before Faith can say anything Ted chases after them “Come here kitty, kitty, come here!”
“Those aren’t cats!” advises Faith wondering what Ted’s next move will be.
“Aren’t they cute?!” offers Ted sneaking up quietly behind the pair “I’m going to take a picture of them.”
“I don’t think that would be a good idea” wisely offers Faith “I think it would be better if you just backed up slowly.”
“I’ll take a picture and then will leave them alone” whispers Ted not exactly seeing clearing what he is hoping to take a picture of but determined to anyway.
Taking his phone from his pocket, Ted aims the camera at the two ‘cats’ in front of him.  A large flash of light covers the darkness simultaneously as a horrendous odor filters the air surrounding him “Ugh, what is that awful smell? I can’t breathe!”
Next thing Faith sees in the firelight is Ted trying to hop and skip in his flip flops as fast as he can away from the ‘cats’ while tripping over a log by the fire.  The animals unsure of what to do since he is blocking their way spray again to protect their territory.
“Eeewww … wow they really got you!” exclaims Faith for a second not sure if she should help him up or just run in the opposite direction as she gags next to him.
“Why didn’t you tell me they were skunks?” whining pleads Ted trying to fan away the invisible relentless odor. “I would have left them alone!”
“You moved to quickly and you weren’t listening to me anyway” counters Faith trying to stifle her laughter while grabbing his hand to help him to stand in his flip flops that have moved to each side rather than under his feet.
“Come on Toad, I’ll take you back in my golf cart.  I don’t think you will want to ride in your own car at the moment” offers Faith pinning her nose with the other hand while leading him towards her golf cart.  “Where did you park anyway?”
“I parked over behind the Fort which is where I earlier lost my shoe” explains Ted disappointed that it didn’t turn out to be the potentially romantic evening he had planned for it to be not able to even tolerate his own smell let alone hope that Faith might.
“I’ve heard that a bath of tomato juice helps” offers Faith trying to be helpful having been sprayed once or twice before “However, using a quart of 3% hydrogen peroxide, ¼ cup of baking soda, and 1 teaspoon of liquid dish detergent will probably help to get the stink out of your clothes and you too!”
“Thanks!” sighs Ted feeling defeated exiting the cart at his parent’s home “I’ll see you tomorrow as long as I smell somewhat better.”
“I hope it works!” replies Faith enjoying the feeling of having made a new lifetime memory to share with him.

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