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Friday, April 15, 2016

The Covenant Chapter Thirty Five

"Whose deal is it next?" asks Alfred rubbing his hands together and feeling a bit competitive with the game of canasta then tightly squeezing Alice Hammer's hand for good luck.
"I think it is Rick's turn" offers Jennings double checking the scores and rather miffed that she is coming in last place.
"Are you warm enough?" concerned Annie asks looking at Jennings  hovered over the game table in purple stripped thermals and a red hooded sweatshirt wearing matching fuchsia knitted gloves and earmuffs that she borrowed from Alice Hammer.
"My old bones aren't use to this cold of weather.  When does it warm up here? July?" mockingly suggests Jennings rubbing her socked feet against the carpet to add friction and heat.
"I'm so hot!" exclaims Alice Hammer wearing a headband to keep her hair from her face, and fanning herself with an extra score pad that she found in the box while drinking  a large ice tea.  "It must be 90 in here! Your hormones must be out of whack too!"
"It is clearly snowing outside and you're acting as if it is summer!" retorts Jennings tucking in a blanket around her knees "At least Rick was kind of enough to start a fire and turn up the heat" and then looking at the others at the table "What do you think?"
In unison Annie and Rick share of look of empathy and sigh deeply, it genuinely feels like a sauna but they do not feel like intercepting the discussion between friends.  Turning to Annie for an escape, "Would you like to help me make some more tea?" To which Annie immediately heads toward the kitchen.
Without saying anything, both of them giggle.  Rick offers a second wet paper towel to Annie so they can wipe their warm faces to cool down.  Rick jokes, "You missed a spot ..." and leans down to kiss her as Annie raises her chin to meet his eyes when a voice behind them asks "Is there any more ice? I think I'm actually melting in there!"
Moving away from Rick not because she didn't want to kiss him but feeling uncomfortable of being caught, "Sure there is Alfred.  We saved some especially for you."
"Those two are best friends, they either get along great or fight like cats and dogs" groans Alfred wiping his forehead with his wrist. "I may need to go home to change into some shorts if that heat goes any higher."
"Well hopefully not, maybe we can talk her into keeping it where it is" offers Annie "I just remembered my father bought a heating blanket with him that he hasn't even used yet.  Since he went back to Crestwood for the weekend, I'm sure it would be okay if Jennings borrowed it.  He won't even notice."
 "They say we're suppose to get five feet of snow tonight.  As I was walking into the kitchen, I saw that they have closed down the subways" explains Alfred "The  ladies are already staying in the building, but you live a ways from here. Rick would you like to stay in my guest room tonight until the storm is over?  You'll have more time to spend with Annie that way."
"Thank you for the offer.  I think that I will.  It's not looking too good out there" graciously accepts Rick thankful that he might have more than expected time with Annie.
"I need to go home and take Oscar out for a minute, will you let the ladies know I'll be back in a minute or maybe two" asks Alfred shaking his head "I may bring back an ice pack with me".
"I've been wanting to tell you, my friend Ben Wick sent an email.  He and Lauren Musgrove will be coming to town in a week.  Her mother is part of the auxiliary in Crestwood and is the representative to visit the Wedding Fashion show the Women's Auxiliary is putting on to raise funds for the Family Shelter" tells Rick stirring the sugar into his tea "They are also shopping for wedding dresses while Ben is coming to spend some time with me".
"Oh, that sounds fun!" agrees Annie already feeling that she will miss spending some time with him.
"I thought you might want to go to the show with Lauren and her mother" suggests Rick carefully watching her reaction.
"Sure, that sounds good" offers Annie in a non-committal way not sure if he is trying to find an excuse to get rid of her while he spends time with his friend or possibly suggesting something else which she feels is still only a daydream.
"Annie, I've been wanting to talk to you and ask you a few questions about the past" slowly speaking Rick begins "If you don't want to tell me that's okay, but I'd like to know."
"Okay ..." unsure of what the questions will be Annie responds "go ahead, I'll do my best to answer."
"Why didn't you tell me you were going away?  Why didn't you tell me where you went? I tried calling you but there was a message that your phone was no longer in service" asks Rick in a formal manner not wanting to give anything away to the depth of the pain he felt at one time.
"I wrote to you nearly every day and you didn't respond.  I tried calling a few times and it went straight to voice mail" Annie asks hurt from the past memories but trying to hold it in.
"What are you talking about?  I never got any of your letters.  What happened to Thomas?  I heard you guys had eloped" curiously asks Rick feeling his temperature rise but not sure if it is from the room or his emotions.
"Thomas? Nothing - ever!  Our 'relationship' was a figment of Lydia Russell's imagination" exhaustedly explains Annie "I was never interested in him or vice versa.  We were just being constantly thrown together because of her matchmaking ideas.  But there was never anything between us."
"That's not what I heard. In desperation I wrote to Lydia Russell to find out what happened to you. I got a letter from Lydia Russell telling me of your upcoming engagement party and that she thought the two of you might elope within the next month" angrily states Rick not sure how to control how he is feeling at the moment.  "Even after the summer, you never wrote me back to tell me anything different."
"You didn't write to me after all my numerous letters that summer.  I thought you had found someone else" gushes Annie "I did not know that you didn't have them.  I thought it was pointless to try and contact you if you were willing to give me up so quickly, obviously you didn't want to be with me."
"Come on! One more game.  Did you get the ice tea made?" yells Jennings from the other room exasperated from her discussion with Alice Hammer over the room temperature.
"We'll be right there!" answers Annie but not wanting their conversation to end before hearing a few more answers.
For a few seconds Rick looks pleadingly at her and whispers in his discomfort, "I didn't know ..."
"I finally convinced her to turn the heat down by 5 degrees, now we'll be pleasantly suffocating at 88, shaking her head as Alice Hammer fills another glass.





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