This is another re-telling of scripture in an SA setting . . .
It is the annual conference for the Northern Territory. Everyone from all around the country gathers for the commissioning of the cadets from the training school. It is so exciting to see all of them with the great music, the Saturday evening musical, the workshops, the fellowship of seeing everyone. There is nothing better to look forward to every June.
Now Major Samuel was a man of God. There has been a problem with the Commissioner and he needs to be replaced in his position. He noticed that many of the faithful leaders were now retiring and that there seemed to very little hope of inspiring leadership among the young recruits. He prayed every day and was a humble man.
One day God said to Major Samuel “How long are you going to mourn for the retiring of Commissioner Saul King? I want you to go to the Metro Citadel. I have someone in mind to replace Commissioner King. I will tell you who is when you get there. He is the son of Captain Jessie Field who is the grandson of my faithful servants, Majors Ruth & Boaz Field (as you know, everyone in the Army is related in one way or another).
So Major Samuel bought a plane ticket and headed to Metro Citadel many long hours away from the congress. Again God spoke to Major Samuel, “Do not consider height, good looks, obvious talent, for that is not what I am interested in. Man looks on the outside of how things appear to be, but I look on the heart.”
Major Samuel arrived at the corps and greeted Captain Jessie. I’m here to speak to your sons. God has told me that He wants to pick a new leader for the Northern Territory and it will be your son. Captain Jessie was so excited. He had seven sons and any of them would be a great leader for the territory. He first introduced his oldest son Mark. He was a fine man and nice-looking too. He had started many different Bible Study groups and was a great spiritual guide. But God told Major Samuel, “No – he is not the one”.
Next came in John. He was really into sports and athletic. He had started many sports Boys & Girls clubs in the city and was well-liked. But again God told Major Samuel, “No – he is not the one.” Next walking through the door came Matt. He had a talent for raising loads of money to help many of the various programs in the city. But God told Major Samuel, it was not him.
Peter was coming in the door after a rehearsal. He was very musically talented. He led the praise & worship band not only for the corps and division, but would often be asked to play at territorial gatherings. But again, God said no.
The next son was at the table reading. Luke was a great scholar and loved to read. He had earned his masters in theology in the shortest time possible because he had loved his classes so much that he took more than a full load at one time. But again, God said no.
Thomas was a natural mathematician. He was very good at analyzing figures for statistics, putting sound projects together. But again, God said no.
After meeting six of Major Jessie’s sons, Samuel was a bit confused. He was sure that God told him that he was to find the next commissioner from one of Jessie’s sons. All of these guys were wonderful, perfect choices each in their own way. But God had told him no. So finally Major Samuel turned to Captain Jessie, “Do you have any more sons?”
Yes, but he is just a boy of 18. He just graduated from high school not sure what he wants to do. He hasn’t applied for college yet. He’s a good kid but just looking for direction. He teaches the middle-school Sunday school class. He’s always running late and is out visiting in the neighborhood with his friends usually walking his dogs. He should be here already. Then it happened. In walked David. He was handsome. God spoke to Major Samuel, “This is the one. Rise and anoint him.” Major Samuel said to Jessie and to David. God has told me you are the one to replace Commissioner Saul King come back with me to THQ. Here is your commission and you are now an officer.
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