“It’s only natural, it wasn’t the first time” Chancellor Palpatine excuses his behavior after watching Anakin kill Count Duku. Anakin remembers from his early Jedi training as a Padiwan that the force is not to be used for destruction and confronts the Chancellor, “This is not the Jedi way!” The Chancellor trying to push away any of his own guilt, attacks Anakin with the memory of the death of his mother. It brings up anger and frustration within the soul of Anakin.
The Chancellor, Obi Wan, and Anakin escape down the elevator shaft but are trapped in the ray shields that have been activated. Anakin assures everyone for patience because he believes they will be rescued. The Chancellor retorts, “Patience?” Because the Chancellor believes that having everything you want right now is the only way.
Later in a conversation, Yoda reminds Anakin that “attachment leads to jealousy” and to train himself “to let go of everything you fear to lose”. Yoda knows that greed and the desire for power will destroy the Jedi in training.
Anakin’s mentor and advisor, Master Obi Wan, kindly warns Anakin to “be careful” of Chancellor Palpitine because he feels uneasy about everything unusual that is happening.
However, the Chancellor distorts the truth and tells Anakin that he is confused if doubts him. He brags and manipulates Anakin to believe that he is the eyes, ears, and voice of the Republic. Anakin will be the Personal Representative to the council even though Anakin is still in-experienced and not ready for the responsibilities that this duty will require. He promises more than what Anakin is adequately capable of handling at this time. Anakin’s ego and pride is “overwhelmed” at this undeserved promotion. The Chancellor slithers, “They need you more than you know” because the Chancellor realizes he is tempting Anakin to the course of his doomed fate.
When the rank of Master is not given to Anakin because of his inexperience, Anakin is outraged. His immaturity and pride finds the action an insult and unfair. He yells back, “How can you do this?” to the council.
Doubt sets in to Anakin’s heart because the Chancellor creates fear that something wrong is happening to the Jedi order. The Chancellor plants seeds of doubt and mistrust. He deceivingly plots to Anakin, “I would worry about the collective wisdom of the council. You can’t rely on them. Search your feelings.” He tempts Anakin further, “all you gain power are afraid to lose it”. He then again lies and pushes truth to the side, “good is only a point of view”. The Chancellor is trying to rationalize his own behavior and deception for his own selfish gain. He tells Anakin that the “Sith Lords use passion for their strength, they think inwards, and only about themselves”. For a short moment, Anakin gains strength in his own beliefs, “but the Jedi are selfless, they only care about others.”
Later again, the Chancellor teases Anakin with the desire for power, “Don’t you wonder why they won’t make you a Jedi Master? They don’t trust you.” The Chancellor tempts his ego with the idea that Anakin’s power will be too strong to control. Anakin’s pride is inflamed. The Chancellor cast his web of lies by stating that if Anakin “understood the mystery of all the study of its aspects not just the dogmatic practices of the Jedi order”. He further entices Anakin by promises that the “complete and wise leader embraces the larger view of the force”. It is only in embracing the dark side and evil that the Chancellor deceives Anakin that he will have power over death.”
After cutting off the arms of the Senator, the Chancellor electrocutes him and the Senator falls to his death. Anakin exclaims, “What have I done?” The Chancellor wickedly replies, “Learn to use the dark side of the force.” Anakin surrenders to the dark side.
As you know, it is by Anakin’s own hands that lead to the death of Padme. Because of his own deception, he fights his mentor and Master Obi wan who must defend himself in order not to be killed by Anakin. Anakin’s loses the love of his life, his body to the heat of the lava, and his soul for something that cannot save him.
Sometimes we are tempted by the idea of being important. It can interfere with how we view ourselves and others around us. Our pride can make us treat people unkindly by teasing or tormenting them. Wanting to always be first and the “leader” but not knowing how to listen and follow can cause hurt to those we are about around us. Wanting power more than caring about others leads to bad things. We lose friendships, honor and privileges.
God wants us to be good followers of Him. We haven’t learned everything we need to know yet - living and being like He would like us to. Every day God has something new for us to learn. Our pride can sometimes trick us into believing that we can go it on our own or without others. But God’s plan, His patience, and timing are perfect.
This week you are all Padiwans. You have a Jedi leader in your counselors and teachers of the different programs and activities that you will be attending all week. There is something new that they want to show you about Jesus that they know and want to share with you each day that you are here.
God has great plans for you. He is invested into your life. You are in training to become like Him in your behavior, thoughts, and in relationships with others. God loves you and He wants to help you become all that you can in Him.
1 Timothy 4:11-16
Get the word out. Teach all these things.
And don’t let anyone put you down because you’re young.
Teach believers with your life:
by word,
by demeanor,
by love,
by faith,
by integrity.
Stay at your post reading Scripture, giving counsel, teaching.
And that special gift of ministry you were given when the leaders of the church laid hands on you and prayed – keep that dusted off and in use.
Cultivate these things. Immerse yourself in them.
The people will see you mature right before their eyes!
Keep a firm grasp on both your character and your teaching.
Don’t be diverted. Just keep at it.
Both you and those who hear you will experience salvation.
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