Feeling anxious as the doorbell
rings, Liz glances over to Char for a last moment of support. Char reassures her best friend with a
comforting smile.
“Hello, Darcy. It’s good to see you. Would you like to come in for a minute? Liz, will be ready in just a second” greets
Char motioning for him to enter the front room.
“Thank you Char. How are you and Collins? I hope things are going well for the both of
you” graciously replies Darcy attempting to make conversation in spite of his
rather fretting nerves.
“We’re doing well and finding
each day has its own little miracles” hearing steps coming from behind Char
pleasantly announces “Here she is!”
“Liz, you look very nice
tonight. How was your day?” sweetly asks
Darcy nervously checking to see if everything is in place where it should be on
his own clothing.
“I had a great day with Char,
thanks for asking” softly replies Liz “The Classic Movie Network has been
running old romantic movies from the 40s all day. We’ve been watching “Casablanca”, “For Whom
the Bell Tolls”, “Rebecca”, and the “Shop Around the Corner. I know it’s not everyone’s cup-of-tea but I
enjoy the black and white movies with Selznick, Hitchcock, and Sam Wood as directors.”
“I didn’t know you liked the old
movies. There always seems to be
something new to find out about you, Liz” smiles Darcy committing another piece
of information into the files of his memory to recall at a later date “Are you
ready? I made reservations at a place
that you might like.”
“Really where?” excitedly asks
Liz looking at Darcy directly in the eyes with a smile and completely
forgetting about her earlier unease.
“It’s my surprise for you”
teasingly states Darcy helping Liz on with her coat “But I think that you will
like it.”
While walking towards the car,
Darcy offers his hand to help her down the concrete stairs from the porch and
tightly keeps holding her hand until they reach the car. He gentlemanly opens the car door and waits
for her to get in before closing the door behind her.
Although thrilled that he held
her hand, she quietly reassures herself that she needs to keep control of her
emotions because she wants to confront him with some recent information that
has been revealed to her. But for the
moment she holds her other hand in her lap, feeling the warmth of its previous
captor and feeling quite content.
“If you want to after dinner, we
can go to the movies. There is a new one
coming out this weekend that my sister highly recommended that we go see.”
Waiting to see if Liz seems keen to the idea Darcy continues “I think it’s
called “Shadows of the Heart”. She said it was a chick-flick but that I would
probably end up liking it too.”
“It sounds good to me. I’ve seen the previews on TV and it looks
really interesting to me” inspired agrees Liz smoothing out her skirt in the seat
next to him and twisting to move her knees more towards his direction to see
him better.
As Darcy parks the car and steps
out, Liz takes that moment to check her lipstick and her hair in the small
mirror in the visor above her as she has seen her younger sisters do many times
before but which she is out of the habit of doing.
As Darcy walks next to her in the
restaurant, Liz looks up and genuinely exclaims “Juan Jose’s Cantina! One of my favorite places! I think their tortilla chips are the best and
the salsa has just the right amount of cilantro with a touch of jalapenos.
Thank you so much for choosing such a great place!”
Holding the door opened for Liz,
Darcy is please that he listened to Char’s advice about what place to choose
for the evening thinking to himself “It seems like this is working out to be a
wonderful night.”
The hostess checks their name
with her leather bound reservation book and takes them to a quiet table for two
that is near the platform where a live band is performing that night for the
guests to celebrate Valentine’s Day with many romantic Latin favorites ranging
from Gypsy Kings, Jesse Cook, Johannes Linstead, and other pop favorites such
as Enrique Inglesias, Ricky Martin, and Marc Anthony.
Glancing over the menu, Liz
chooses the “Hacienda Especial” and takes a sip of her sweet tea while Darcy
takes a little longer to reflect over the many choices available. Finally he chooses as the young waitress dressed
in a white shirt and black pants stands
beside the table scanning the room over his head checking on her other two
tabletops nearby waiting for him to make his final selection.
The multitasking waitress
patiently takes the order and then scurries back to the hidden kitchen area
while along the way picking up a couple of glasses from another table that need
“What are your plans for once you return to
Longbourne?” asks Darcy curious to know what challenges are facing her once she
returns home.
“Well, obviously I’m going back
to my job which I really enjoy” explains Liz “I’ll go back to volunteering at
the corps and doing what I can here and there to help out as needed”.
“What are your plans for the
future?” curiously asks Darcy “What goals do you have?”
“Eventually I’d like to go back
to school to work on my doctorate after I can pay off some of my school loans
so I can have a more reasonable payment” replies Liz firming holding to her
“You could defer your loans until
you finish your degree” suggests Darcy trying to be helpful.
“Yes, I could to that but it
means that afterwards I’d have an even larger payment that I probably still
could not afford and manage to live somewhat comfortably” explains Liz feeling
a little recently defeated by her school loan payments.
“Is there any other way you could
refinance your loans and make them more affordable for you?” asks Darcy knowing
well the intrinsic management of finance but not familiar with the current
interest rates on educational loans.
“No, not really, I have it
already at the lowest interest rate as possible to accommodate the amount of
salary I’ve made this year” thoughtfully explains Liz, twisting her spool into
her charro beans wishing that he would change the subject since this one always
depresses her. “What would you like to
see happen in your future?”
“As you know I took over the
business after my father was promoted to glory a few years ago. It seems to progressing as I expected it
to. I’d like to work on our products
becoming more economically relatable and practical for our customers rather
than letting our services becoming extinct” thoughtfully explains Darcy “there
are many promotional vender companies out there that provide the same products,
with similar services, but I hope to improve it so that our health and comfort
product company is the first one that they think of when they need it.”
“I know the corps and I’m sure
most of the division orders from your company all the time for community care
products especially during Christmas and Easter” Remarks Liz remembering
organizing and packing items for many visits to senior care facilities,
hospitals, and the prison too over the years.
While listening to the music, Liz
munches on some leftover warm chips and occasionally sings along with a line or
two of the songs of which she is more familiar without fully being conscious of
what she is doing but only enjoying the moment.
Darcy looks at her and smiles while waiting for the moment in which she
notices that she is being observed.
On seeing that Darcy is enjoying
her own melody, Liz’s eyes widen and she blushes looking down at her plate and
stirs her Spanish rice for a moment.
After a little while of
conversation Liz excuses herself to go to the ladies room. She peers into her purse for her brush and
finds her lipstick. She puts a fresh
coat on and seems pleased with the result.
She finds the ruby red envelope in her purse that she thought of giving
Darcy sometime that evening. Holding the
card for a moment, she sprays into the air a little of her favorite perfume and
waves the card through her favorite scent so that the memory of her gift will
linger much longer than just for the moment it was given.
When she returns, Darcy is taking
his cloth napkin to clean a dash of salsa that had fallen aimlessly on the very
center of his silk tie. He looks up sheepishly smiling upon her return. Liz sits down feeling refreshed and ready for
the right moment to present her card.
As they wait for the flan and
fried ice cream to arrive for dessert, they chat feeling very comfortable with
each to other.
“Liz, I wanted to wish you a
“Happy Valentine’s Day” and I have something special planned for you” announces
Darcy while setting his red cloth napkin to the side. He signals the band.
The band leader nods his head and
begins the refrains to Lady Gaga’s “Bad Romance” with a mild twinge of a gentle
Latin beat to its original rhythm.
“I had the mariachi band play my
favorite song that reminds me of you every time it comes on the radio. I haven’t told you but I consider it to be my
theme song for you” explains Darcy excited to share his confession.
As the lyrics begin Liz looks
puzzled and feels a bit confused as she
hears in a artistically designed version with a Latin beat “… I want your ugly,
I want your disease …I want your drama …”.
Incredulously Liz asks “Is this what makes you think of me?”
“Yes. Every time” answers Darcy and feeling
slightly nervous adds wanting to emphasize his point “it totally reminds me of
The lyrics mischievously continue
and mystically hover over their conversation “ …. I want your horror, I want
your design, ‘cause you’re a criminal …”.
“Really? This is the what comes to mind when you think
of me?” ardently asks Liz feeling her temper rising within her but trying to
keep calm.
“Yes, of course it is. It reminds me of us and our relationship”
uncharacteristically gushes Darcy finally admitting publically and to himself
that they have one “I think the lyrics are great, don’t you?”
As the words are coming out of
his mouth in simultaneous duet in the background Liz hears “… you and me could
write a bad romance …”
“What are you trying to say to
me?” on the verge of tears asks Liz
“I think it’s pretty clear”
clueless responds Darcy, not sure the cause of this confusing reaction which is
appearing to be coming from Liz “I think it states how I feel about you. Don’t you see it?”
“I don’t ‘see’ anything, but I
can certainly ‘hear’ it” snaps Liz looking for her purse “If you felt that way,
why did you bring me here?”
“I wanted to explain my feelings
while we were alone and not in front of anyone” angrily responds Darcy not sure
why his voice is raising and not entirely sure why he feels upset at the
“If you felt that way about me,
you could have just told me. You didn’t’
have to have a band play a song to impound the message permanently in my
memory!” shouts Liz as an unwanted tear leaves it’s cage.
“Well, if I knew you were going
to react this way while I’m trying to tell you how I feel in an original way, I
wouldn’t have bothered!” refutes Darcy believing that her feelings are not
mutual and that he has embarrassed himself by finally making an effort to let
her know what he has been holding back for months.
“I’m sorry that I’ve wasted your
time. I thought that we were having a
great time together and it was comfortable between both of us. I can’t believe that you didn’t let me know
earlier!” articulately expresses Liz ready to leave the restaurant and forget
the whole fiasco.
The waitress notices that things
are not going well at her tabletop and has quietly slipped the bill near
Darcy. In return Darcy glares at Liz for
a moment and inserts his credit card into the pocket holder. “I forgot that I have some things that I need
to work on this evening that just arrived from the office today. I won’t be able to go to a movie
tonight”. Darcy realizes that he is
telling Liz the truth but he had decided earlier to delay the work for the
opportunity of a longer evening with her.
As they get into the car, Liz
tries to hide the occasional tear that is falling. Darcy stares at the road ahead and turns on
the radio to provide some welcoming distraction. The songs begins with a
familiar voice “… I want your psycho … want you in my rear window … baby your
Liz rolls her eyes and huffs
towards the window” in response Darcy vehemently shuts off the radio and steps
down on the gas pedal.
Finally when Darcy can’t stand
the silence any long “Liz, I don’t know what the problem is. I thought things were going really well
between us. You’re one of the few people who seem to understand me without me
having to explain myself but I’m not so sure about that tonight“
“I thought so too” states Liz as
she sniffs trying to hold back tears still reeling from the lyrics of the song.
“Besides discussing this, I want
to know did you tell Bingley not to like my sister?” asks Liz wanting further
resolution to end a relationship that appears never to have begun in the first
place other than in her delusional mind.
“Yes, I did” feeling no
compulsion any longer to protect her from anything in that her rejection
tonight has been extremely painful to him Darcy continues feeling justified by
his actions “I felt it was the right thing to do. Your sister didn’t appear to care nearly as
deeply as Bingley and your sisters motives for wanting a relationship with him
were clearly told by your mother to anyone who would listen.”
“My mother? What does my mother have to do with
anything? What did she say?” angrily
asks Liz afraid of what his future disclosure will be.
“She told me that your sister was
pursuing Bingley because of his money.
Also, she has had a lot of boyfriends and Bingley was only one on a
string of many” spouts Darcy with unusual venom “She doesn’t deserve Bingley. He’s one of the most sincere and honest
people I know. He guilelessly tends to
easily be fooled by people that will use him to get what they want from him”.
“My sister is not a gold
digger. I’ve never seen her so taken by
anyone. Yes, there have been a lot of
guys that have been interested in her.
She happens to be beautiful” acknowledges Liz feeling not as pretty at
this moment, but adamantly continues “But that doesn’t mean she chased them or
dated them either. Jane’s been very
selective in who she has allowed to get close to her”.
“I don’t understand why you are
so hard on her. What has she done to
you?” remarks Liz not understanding why he is being so difficult and harsh
tonight and then adds for effect “Maybe this is how you like to treat people
who get close to you. You push them away.”
“I don’t push anyone away that
deeply care about and who means something to me. But what about you?
You made me believe that you liked me, not only liked me but were
beginning to love me” rashly explains Darcy feeling out of breath from uncharacteristically
having to defend his actions “ Then I finally do something about it and you –
not me – are the one to first push away.”
“What are you talking about? That song tonight emphasized how ugly you
thought I was, that I create too much “drama” around me, that I’m even “psycho”
--- what kind of song is that?” firms asks Liz and then not realizing her words
but only as she says them “Who says that to someone they like let alone that
they are trying to say they are falling in love with?”
Liz blankly stares at him for a
moment as the words sink in that he has mentioned ‘love’ and that she has
agreed that he is ‘falling in love’ with her.
Liz muses to herself “something is not quite right”.
Darcy places a hand on her
shoulder, “I didn’t mean the song to represent everything that I don’t like
about you. There are so many things that I do admire about you. You are a lovely woman, Liz. I enjoy being around you and every single
unusual quirk that you have.”
“What are you trying to say?”
asks Liz more puzzled than ever resting the back of her head against the car
door window.
“Liz you have so many exceptional
qualities. I want to spend time getting
to know you better by being a part of your life. I like you.
I like being around you. I think
you are one of the most fascinating people I’ve ever met” ardently explains
Darcy hoping that his confession will garner a new response but then without
thinking jokingly adds “If that means I have to accept your family and their
faults which at times I find offensive then that’s what I’ll do to be around
Liz does not find the joke within
the humor. “What do you mean “faults
that you find offensive”?” asks Liz not entirely relieved from the moment of
their previous argument.
“You know. I don’t need to tell you” replies Darcy
realizing that he has just entered a black hole which he is not sure that he
can be rescued from.
“No, maybe you should enlighten
me to make sure we are on the same page” challenges Liz wanting some
clarification before she proceeds any further with this relationship.
Darcy not sensing the warning
that could be crucial to his future proceeds with his evaluation, “We’ve
already discussed your mother whom you know is a busy buddy. She seems to be in the center of everyone’s
business. Even you must recognize
this. Jane although sweet is a
tease. Maybe she has actually ‘dated’
anyone but it appears from her reputation that she has a habit of leading them
on evidently hoping for a better catch to arrive one day to settle her claws
in. “ Darcy without taking a breath wanting to be fair and honest in his
critique of her family feeling that he might not ever have the chance again “your
younger sisters are fun but they have absolutely no common sense. You just told me about their tanning fiasco
the other day. Mary needs to find some
social skills. She has a habit of
wanting to be the center of attention in a less than appropriate way.”
As she stands comatose in front
of him, Liz can feel her body shake as her disgusts at Darcy’s words infiltrate
her mind.
“Do you not realize this is my
family? These are people that I
love? How can you say that about
them? You don’t know them. You’ve only met them a handful of times!”
shouts Liz silently on one level realizing that he is telling the truth but
definitely not wanting to admit it “Maybe it’s because your family is no longer
around you that you don’t care. You just
resent the family that I have. Where is
your only sister? She’s never around
you. What have you done to her that she doesn’t
like you? What about your best friend Wickham?
Why doesn’t he talk to you anymore?
What have you done to make him not like you? See, I was right you always push people away
that care about you!”
“You don’t understand. You’re right that I’ve had to let go of some people in my life. But that’s not how I feel about you, Liz. You’ve brought so much happiness into my life lately. I feel like I can breathe again” sincerely pleads Darcy but on seeing the squinted eyes and pursed lips before him realizes that something has gone amiss in the last few minutes “ I didn’t realize you hated me so much.”
Liz shakes her head “I don’t hate
you. But I don’t understand you
either. You’re such a snob. You don’t care about other people because you’re
too busy just thinking about yourself and how you are getting ahead of everyone
else. “
“That’s not entirely true. I do think that I have some advantages that
other people don’t have. I’ve had a few
more opportunities which have developed and honed my skills which give me an
advantage in life. Is it so wrong to
acknowledge that people have their faults?”
“I don’t see them as faults, more
like idiosyncrasies that make each of them individuals with their own flair for
life even if at times it can be rather stressful for others” argues Liz realizing
in that second that some of that ‘flair’ from her mother has caused some
inflicted emotional pain to her in the past “You shouldn’t expect everyone to
be like you, as if you’re the standard under which everyone else should be
“Well, I didn’t realize this is
the way you felt about me. I’ve been
putting a lot of my expectations into something that is evidently not mutual or
desired” answers Darcy feeling the tears forming in his eyes but refusing to
let them fall. “In spite of how you feel about me Liz, you have changed my
world. But as far as Wickham, don’t misjudge me. There is more to the story than just one
side. He has fed you what you want to
hear, but not the entire truth within its real context”.
Liz finds her purse on the floor
of the car and opens the door “Don’t worry about seeing me to the door, I know
my way. I’m flying out tomorrow
afternoon, so I guess this is goodbye. I
wish you the best wherever you end up finding it” states Liz feeling a range of
emotions but not sure which one to grasp and cling to.”
“Goodbye Liz. I hope one day we’ll meet again when the dust
has settled between us” states Darcy as Liz slams the car door.
On reaching the door, Liz hears
the squeal of tire wheels behind her. She
suddenly feels tremendously sad but not entirely sure why.
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