“Don’t tell mom!” threatens Lydia
“I am going over to Beth Elliot’s house first which is what I’ve told her. So I
am telling the truth. Wickham is just
going to meet me to go to the movies once I’m there.”
“I still think that you should
tell mom. She likes Wickham. It’s better than getting into trouble later”
carefully suggests Kitty having experienced the negative impact of being
grounded one too many times because of being guilty by association with some
of Lydia’s creative routine scheming. “I want to enjoy my spring break this year!”
“Of course you will. If I get caught, which I think is highly
unlikely any way I will say that you weren’t involved. It was all my idea. Does that make you feel better?” pouts Lydia
knowing that it’s always better to have an accomplice by her side because it
somehow manages to soften the blow when being unexpectedly caught in one of her
“I just don’t know Lydia. Do you remember the time that you decided to
go toilet paper Ben Wick’s house at midnight with some of your friends and
managed to convince me to be involved as the lookout? It still wasn’t my fault the sprinklers went
on that night! Who waters their yard at
night? How does the water even know where the ground is when it’s so dark?”
trying to come up with a reasonable defense but failing at the attempt, Kitty
deflects “To top it off, do you remember when Lila Steel tried to jump over the
backyard fence? Although that wasn’t my
fault either, how was I to know that she was going to somehow get her skirt all
caught up on the bird house nailed to the wooden fence post?” Continuing Kitty
giggles “Although it was rather funny watching her floral skirt slowly rip as
she dangled in the air with her arms flying while she gently lowered to the
ground. However, I do feel bad that
while getting up she slipped in the mud and broke her ankle.”
“Yes, that was so much fun!”
excitedly recalls Lydia proud of one of her clever ideas “We should try it
again! But this time we need to find out what days the Wick’s water their
“But remember how mad mom
was? Also, Mrs. Steel was not happy with
Lila. She wasn’t allowed to talk with us
for a month! Evidently Lila had just
bought that outfit for the corps cadet picnic” feeling slightly guilty, Kitty
recalls “It’s too bad she had to wear a cast and miss the end of the year
skating party too. I think we all were grounded for at least two weeks and
missed nearly all of spring break last year.”
“Don’t worry about a thing. It’s going to be different this year” assures
Lydia needing support in order to cover her own romantic plotting “You’re not
going to get into trouble. If anyone
gets caught, which isn’t going to happen, it will only be me”.
“Alright, but you have to promise
that if I don’t tell mom or dad, I can borrow your lavender sweater three times
--- any time I want to “ Kitty bargains
but decides to add one more thing while at the transaction table “and also your
blue heels too”.
“You can’t wear my shoes! Your
foot is half a size smaller than mine!” argues Lydia crossing her arms and not
happy with the shoes being thrown into the pact at the last minute “Your feet
stink too!”
“I can still wear them. I’ll just put a few dryer sheets in the front
toe and no one will be able to tell the difference” feeling that the last
minute add-on might lose the arrangement Kitty counters “It’s either the
sweater and the shoes or no deal!”
“Oh, all right. I’ll let you borrow them” reluctantly agrees
Lydia with a condition “but please be sure to spray your feet first with your
perfume. I’d rather smell a whiff of “Intensity” than old dried out leather
that you’ve worn way too long.”
In response Kitty narrows and
pierces her irritated eyes while making an unpleasant face at Lydia who
responds similarly in turn while a car horn loudly and impatiently honks
outside below the bedroom window.
“That’s Beth! We have a deal, remember! Don’t tell Liz either. I don’t want her interfering into my
relationship if she finds out that I’m going out with Wickham. He’s mine now and doesn’t belong to her.”
reminds Lydia grabbing her purse and duffle bag with more revealing clothes to
change into while heading out the door towards the stairs.
After spending an hour over at
Beth Elliot’s home changing her clothes, Lydia anxiously gossips with Beth and
waits for Wickham to arrive. She sees
Wickham’s sports car pull up into the driveway and runs out the door to meet
“Hey! Did you get her washed today? She looks great!” Flirts Lydia while getting
into the car knowing how much attention and admiration he gives to his
treasured vehicle.
“Yeah, just this afternoon, she’s
beautiful, isn’t she?” gloats Wickham caressing the steering wheel feeling proud
of his purchase whose car payment exceeds a rational budget. “So, I’ve heard Liz is coming home today. Is anyone picking her up at the airport?”
“You don’t need to worry about
her. She already has a ride” swiftly and
firmly replies Lydia with no clue who is actually going to be picking her older
sister up from the airport “Liz is awfully busy. She’s been spending a lot of time with Will
Fitz lately while she has been out of town and I’m very sure has already
completely forgotten about anyone here”.
“Mmmm… “ quietly mumbles Wickham
to himself turning on the spray to clean his car windows and with a tone of
jealousy “I’m sure she was bored out of her mind being around Will Fitz. He rambles on about any topic that comes to
mind. Some women find him to be somewhat
charming and intelligent but I think he is just annoying. He’s definitely not
Liz’s type at all”.
“Let’s not talk about Liz. She’s not here and probably thinking about
someone else anyway. You’re here with
me. Let’s talk about us and things that
we can do today together!” excitedly states Lydia flashing her eyes at him,
while moving closer and touching his arm for assurance of her interest in him
“You’re the most exciting man I know!”
Feeling keenly admired, Wickham
astutely smiles at her and presses his foot down on the gas pedal as the speed
through the neighborhood.
In the meantime, Mr. Bennett
meets Liz outside the doors of the baggage claim at the airport.
“How was your trip, Liz?” sweetly
asks Mr. Bennett giving her a kiss on the cheek and picking up her red set of
matching luggage and then with a genuine sigh
“I’ve missed having two consecutive sentences that contain any logic or
reason in the house for quite awhile now. With your sister, Jane, visiting
friends as well, it unfortunately has been a very lonely winter.”
Walking towards the parking lot,
Liz smiles at her dad’s familiar sarcasm responds “Well, I’m not sure that I
have much to offer now that I’m home.
I’m not sure that I’ve been entirely logical recently myself.”
“I don’t know if you know but
Mary signed up for the drama at congress this year” Mr. Bennett nods in
affirmation of this conquest, and then with a sad sigh continues “For the last
month, she has been using your mother and me as an attentive audience to hourly
rehearse her sixteen lines. Even after all this time, her voice inflection is
just now moving a little past monotone, however it is hopeful that ‘humdrum’
may soon be on the horizon.”
“I’m proud of her! But I do happen to agree that a stage hand might
have been a slightly better choice. One
of her strengths is that she is very organized” considering this possibility
Liz feeling inspired reflects on her plethora of books on the book shelves in
her bedroom being sorted and arranged by the author’s birth date “… even if it
is in her own peculiar and unique way”.
“What’s been happening with Kitty
and Lydia? I daily hear from them
through texting, but I’m not sure that I’m actually getting much more
information than how cute someone looks today, what they want to buy, or what
music they are listening to at the moment” sincerely responds Liz missing the
friendship of her younger sisters “How are things coming together for Lydia’s
high school graduation? Is she having a 18th birthday party next
“As far as birthdays, as you
already know that is your mother’s department and you will have to ask
her. But I definitely delightfully do
see some fun frivolity and wild whimsy as part of the elementary equation in finally
reaching another year of life heading towards the ultimate black hole also
known as adulthood” jests Mr. Bennett pleased with his impromptu tongue twister
while stretching his mouth in extreme contortions for special effect.
Laughing Liz puts her arm around
him and hugs him “Dad, I’ve missed you. It is was a good trip but I’m glad to
be home.”
“So what about you, Liz?” asks
her dad considering that she might not be happen with some recent information
but trying to soften the news somewhat “Did any one capture your heart while
you were gone? I’m afraid Lydia may be
in a little bit of competition with you over Wickham. I’m not sure he is biting yet, but she is
definitely trying to be caught. Frankly,
I’m glad fishing is a bit of a patient sport.”
“Oh … I didn’t know” quietly
responds Liz lost in her thoughts.
“I hope this isn’t too bad of
news. However, if you happen to be interested
and were to put forth some effort
trying to act charmingly cunning and do those intuitive things which entirely
are beyond my comprehension, I’m sure that it wouldn’t take very long and he
would be looking your way again.”
Thoughtfully Liz shrugs her
shoulders and shakes her head readjusting the shoulder strap of her small
suitcase to fit more squarely on her shoulder.
Mr. Bennett seeing her face fall suggests
instead “However, for the record I prefer the independent and single status of
my daughters until they find someone that I deem worthy of them and having the
opportunity to call them such things as “the savior” or “the thief” depending
on my opinion that particular day”.
“Dad, I’m all right as I am for
now. When the right man for me comes
along and wants to be with me too, I’ll let you know and you can call him
anything you want” suggests Liz while flipping through her cell looking for a
familiar distant number that remains elusive.
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