“Robert, you are so funny!” sweetly coos Liz “I think you are the most funniest person I know!”
“Yes, I can be amusing when I have the right inspiration” smugly replies Robert as he plays with Liz’s hair sitting next to him.
“It’s too bad that Ted is not here” in a pseudo disappointed voice “We’ll just have to find a way to enjoy ourselves until he comes back.”
While relaxing comfortably on Ted’s couch with his arm around Liz watching TV Robert asks after a pause in a serious tone “Liz why do you want to be with Ted?”
“Because he wants to be with me, why else?” flippantly replies Liz “and I need him too.”
“Do you think you’ll be happy for the rest of your life with him?” sincerely asks Robert.
“I don’t know. Lots of opposites attract and then marry each other. They seem to find a way to make it work” glibly remarks Liz.
“This doesn’t make a whole lot of sense to me” counters Robert “you could do so much better rather than settling with my brother. I think you would get bored with all of his rehearsals and performances. He tends to brood at times too.”
“I’m not worried about that. After we’re married, I’m not planning on him playing in any bands anymore. All of his time is for me and us.” foolishly replies Liz.
“You can’t be serious. Music is his life. It is what makes him who he is. For him, it is part of his identity” returns Robert a little incredulous at Liz’s selfish response “Why would you ever want him to give up his music?”
“He already spends way too much time either practicing or going to rehearsals. He never has time to take me out when I want to see him. He doesn’t answer my phone calls” sulks Liz “I have to fit my life into his schedule” then pouting with he arms crossed in front of her at the vivid memory.
“But that’s Ted. Why would you ever want to change him?” perplexed asks Robert and not understanding Liz’s motive.
“He’s so selfish. He’s not going to do that anymore when we get married. I’m beginning to think I need to reconsider my choice” Liz coyly looking into Robert’s eyes and leaning into him. He looks directly at her each aware of their attraction for the other.
“To be honest I’m growing a little tired of Ted and his business. He doesn’t understand me” then looking demurely sideways at Robert “you seem to understand me though.”
Robert pulls her close and cuddles her into him “Yes, I think we understand each other quite well”. Liz embraces Robert and mutually returns his affection.
About ten o’clock Ted wearily climbs the metal stairs to his apartment. It has been a very long and emotional day for him. After having time to consider his options, he has decided that they best thing to do is to break off his engagement since he is still in love with Ellen.
He spent most of the day driving back contemplating his future and praying that God would give him wisdom and intervene in the choices that he naively made in his life.
Ted really doesn’t want to hurt Liz but a temporary heartache is nothing compared to a lifetime of agony together. Liz has been his friend for a long time but never his soul mate or someone he didn’t mind going for long periods of time without hearing from. Liz is a friend when she is available but the truth is that he doesn’t seek her company very often. It is at her instigation that a relationship really exists at all. She is also very high maintenance and he by contrast is low-key. The world seems to revolve around Liz but there are so many other things in the world that Ted finds fascinating.
Ted considers Liz wouldn’t be happy with him either. He is independent and has a comfortable routine with his musician friends which Liz doesn’t like very much. She is not really a musician and cannot understand his need to play and perform. She seems irritated as if he is personally offending her every time he has to attend a rehearsal even if it has been well-planned in advance.
Her excessive need for attention is very draining too. Emotionally she is able to quickly empty his reserves and after spending concentrated time with her leaves Ted feeling exhausted. Liz “takes” and suffocates rather than gives him energy.
Down deep he knows that Liz is not in love with him nor is he in love with her. She’s known him for a long time and they are friends. Rather than prolong a mistake, Ted is determined that it is time to have a serious talk and put an end to the status of their relationship.
Unlocking the door to the apartment, Ted finds Liz and Robert waiting for him. “Hi Robert! When did you get in?” surprised looks over to the couch “Liz, I didn’t expect you to still be here.”
Liz speaks first “Robert called me and told me that he was coming to town. I told him that I had a key to your place but you wouldn’t be back until later this evening. I knew you wouldn’t mind in that Robert is your brother.”
“Liz and I have been keeping each other company and having quite a great time together” says Robert while sharing a look between Liz and him.
“So much fun! I never knew Robert was so funny!” teases Liz while gently bumping into him with her shoulder and then resting her hand on his arm “You never told me how wonderful your brother is!”
Ted smiles and nods but doesn’t feel any jealousy except relief. “I’m glad the two of you had such a good time together while I was gone.”
Liz looks at Robert while she rolls her eyes towards Ted and firmly nods to encourage him to speak. Robert appears a little afraid to approach any confrontation but with a second nudge of encouragement Robert begins “Ted there is something Liz and I would like to talk to you about.”
“Ok. What is it?” curiously asks Ted suspecting what the topic might be.
“As you know Liz and I met at the Future Officers Fellowship week-end” continues Ted “We got along very well.”
“Yes, I remember. It was an interesting week-end on the whole” replies Ted.
“If you remember too, Liz came back with Fannie to the Norland Park. I was also working at the corps” Robert seems a little nervous until he looks over at Liz and then confidently adds “We became very good friends there and starting dating.”
“I didn’t know that” Ted surprised looks over at Liz who looks somewhat guilty “this is news to me. Liz and I broke up at that time so it is natural that she would have been looking for someone else to date.”
“We became pretty serious except that Liz wanted a commitment from me and I wasn’t ready to make one to her” explains Robert “I love Liz very much but I wasn’t sure that I wanted to head in the direction of marriage right now at this point in my life”.
“You made me so angry!” Liz admonishes Robert “I didn’t know what to do! And then your sister kicked me out and I didn’t know where to go next!”
“That’s when I come in, right?” asks Ted realizing that he was used but not particularly offended by the idea at this point.
“I decided I would give up Robert forever and come back to you since Ellen and Brandon were together now” replies Liz excusing her fickle behavior “I knew that you would be crushed and probably would need me to comfort you.”
For the moment, Ted decides to keep the accurate information of Brandon to himself waiting to hear what other revelation will follow.
“We didn’t mean for anything to happen when I came to see her” excuses Robert “I just wanted to see her again because I missed her so much.”
“I can understand that” Ted reminisces of his own desire earlier in the week to see Ellen.
Liz interrupts “What Robert is trying to say is that I am breaking up with you and we have decided to get married instead.”
Ted is shocked by the news but not surprised that she is breaking up with him what is most apparent to him is his overwhelming relief.
“Congratulations! Honestly, I am very happy for both of you! I’m a little dazed by the news but I think that I will not be traumatized by this dramatic change of events” sincerely responds Ted.
“He even had a real ring for me!” giggles Liz “Look, do you want to see it?”
Ted mockingly smirks at Robert but understands his urgency to make things right with Liz. It is a rather large and obnoxious solitaire diamond not exactly the best quality or color though “That’s quite nice. Robert did a good job of picking out the ring for you.”
“Well, that’s because we went window shopping at the mall and I showed him exactly what I wanted” candidly replies Liz.
“We’re leaving for mother’s house tomorrow to explain our choice. I’ve been saving my money for quite awhile now and no longer need her support for some time now but I would like to try and make a smoother transition with her than you managed for the future of our family” hopefully remarks Robert lightly squeezing Liz around the waist.
The following morning Robert and Liz leave to visit the home of the retired Mrs. Ferris. She now lives in the largest penthouse apartment of the Silver Crest Center for seniors. Fannie and John are on vacation and visiting as well so the encounter could prove to be quite interesting. Ted feels happier than he has for weeks. He feels like a great burden has been lifted from his shoulders. He looks forward to what may come his way in the near future.
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