“Are you ready? It’s time to go!” shrieks Liz who is wearing a baby doll raspberry cocktail dress trimmed in black lace that looks more like a slip than a dress with corresponding black ankle strapped heels.
“I’ll be there in a minute” yells back Lila shaking her large beaded earrings in a sangria halter and sequined skirt.
“I’ve already been waiting ten minutes. Move it or lose it!” replies Liz stomping her heeled foot.
Both girls crowd into the frame of the front door of the apartment, shoving the other out of the way to fit through the door.
Walking into the room and observing what is happening Anne looks at Ellen and shakes her head. Ellen is in an elegant emerald organza dress and attempting to put in her last malachite earring. Anne standing next to her is in a midnight blue form fitting strapless dress with matching satin heels and sapphire jewelry. Her hair is in a loose up do with simple curled wisps at the sides.
“You look quite beautiful tonight Anne” sincerely remarks Ellen spraying on a dash of perfume.
“So do you” replies Anne “Ready?” while she picks up her purse resting against the couch.
The trees and bushes on the campus have been decorated with white lights for distinctive effect during special events at the school.
“Isn’t it lovely tonight?” Anne says as they walk towards the dining room. “I can feel that the evening is going to be wonderful!” slightly turning in a circle with outstretched arms.
“I’m glad you think so. I’m a bit nervous myself” honestly replies Ellen. “I don’t feel quite so confident”.
Ted comes around the corner and sees Ellen and Anne. He quickly walks to catch up with them. He places his hand gently on Ellen’s back, “Hi! You look very nice tonight!” realizing he has forgotten something looks over to Anne apologetically “so do you Anne.” Anne smiles and looks over to Ellen grinning.
“I was hoping that I would be able to see and talk with you again this evening. I have to play in the brass ensemble, but would you save a place for me at your table after the program?” asks Ted.
“Sure. Are you playing many pieces tonight?” Ellen inquires.
“Not really. Only more or less the band is playing to provide some entertainment for the evening between the speakers from THQ” replies Ted “But I think you’ll recognize some of them.”
Ted’s hand remains on Ellen’s back while they talk. “It’s really good to see you again. It seems like it has been such a long time ago since I went to your house. Have you had much time to rest? It seems like something is always happening in your letters. I’ve been very busy with several special events. There is always some place to be or do lately. But one of my favorite things to do has been to spend time with you and your family.”
Ellen blushes, “It was nice to have you with us when you were able to come. It would be nice to see more of you. We always have such a good time together.”
“I agree. Nothing is quite the same without you around” considers Ted.
A flirtatious voice tumbles over their conversation “What are you doing? Is Ellen trying to steal you from me? What am I talking about? Ellen is too good of a friend to do that! She is just saving you for me. I’m so sorry I’m late. You must have been miserable with no one to talk to” cunningly states Liz while she grabs Ted’s arm with her own.
“No, actually I was having a very good time and conversation with Ellen” counters Ted “She’s always interesting to talk to” smiling back at her while squeezing out of Liz’s clutch. “I need to go now and get my place in the band.”
“I see. I was just thinking that it is too bad Brandon isn’t here tonight to see both of you. He would be thrilled I’m sure and he is quite the conversationalist too” slyly smiling at Anne and Ellen “Don’t you think Ted?”
Ted looks a little perturbed but doesn’t respond to her comments “Nice talking with you Ellen. Remember to save me a seat” reminds Ted while walking away to the staging area but smiling back at Ellen
“We will!” waving yells back Liz and then turns to Ellen with a very pointed stern look. “Lila has already saved seats for us. Ted has a seat next to me and you are at the other end of the table”. Ellen intentionally tries to ignore Liz’s comments.
The three of them walk into the dining room that has been creatively decorated for the evening program with teal tulle, lights, streamers, etc. Candles, crystals, lace, effervescent confetti and round mirrors create a center of ambiance on each of the turquoise tablecloths. Lila is playing with the crystals of the center piece with David shooting them like marbles.
“Oh there you are. I wondered where you went” replies Robert walking up to Liz holding a glass. “I’ve been looking all over for you. You were looking out the window and suddenly disappeared. Here, I brought some punch for you” handing her the glass of mango punch.
“I was finding us places to sit. You can sit next to me on the left but I already promised Ted that he can also sit next to me on the other side” as Liz contorts the truth “There will be seven of us at the table.”
“No, eight because Willoughby is going to sit with us as well” corrects Anne “I haven’t seen him yet though. He’s playing in the praise band before everything gets started.”
Ellen leans over to Anne “Did you talk to him? What did he say?”
Anne whispers back, “No, I haven’t had a chance yet but I’m sure he’ll come and sit with us. I already text him and told him where he can find us and what table we are sitting at” anxiously looking around “Do you see him?”
“No, but I am sure he will be here soon and I’ll sit on the other side of the table so you can save a seat for him” replies Ellen.
The woman Home Officer announces the entrance of the praise band. As they walk in, Willoughby grabs the center mic and introduces each member of the band. Sophie Grey is standing beside him as if they are a couple. They start the program by singing a duet to a popular praise song on the radio.
Roberts innocently comments “They sound great together! I don’t think I’ve ever heard Willoughby sing that well with anybody before.” Anne glares at him in a steady stare.
Looking over to the main entrance Robert sees his sister, “Fannie and John! Over here!”
When they arrive at the table, “What are you doing here? I didn’t know you were in town?” states Robert.
“Ssh . . . Be quiet! I can hear the music. You’re too loud” replies Anne.
“Hello Fannie and John, it’s nice to see you again” politely remarks Ellen.
“Well, whenever we are in the room, we do make the party” responds Fannie.
Anne turns with her finger over her lips, “Please, I can’t hear.”
“Good to see you again Ellen and Anne. I see you are having a good time” answers John who then stuffs a handful of peanuts in his mouth.
Fannie answers for John, “We had to come to trade to get some new uniforms and thought we would stop by and see all of the cadets and delegates from around the territory this evening since we are in town for the night’.
“Who are these girls Robert? I don’t think I’ve met them before” Observes Fannie “Are they worth meeting? I’m joking” nodding not quite so sincerely to Liz and Lila while extending her hand.
“Actually I’ve become quite good friends with Liz and Lila too. Ted is already acquainted with both of them and knows their father” responds Robert.
“Really, I am going to have to move to another table if you are not quiet so I can hear” demands Anne. Ellen taps her on the hand as if to say ‘don’t worry about it’.
Willoughby is completely ignoring the area where the group is sitting. He intentionally is avoiding Anne’s participation in the worship time. He obviously focuses his attention mostly on Sophie while he sings and plays the bass. Ellen sees this and is concerned. “Something isn’t right” she thinks to herself.
Liz and Fannie chat away the entire time like they are long lost friends. On seeing that his sister has arrived, Ted decides to stay with the other brass ensemble members at the table that was originally reserved for them. He doesn’t want any embarrassing confrontation with Fannie especially now that Ellen is here. He decides it would be best to try and talk with Ellen again before she leaves tomorrow without Fannie around.
Liz and Fannie share fashion and shopping ideas and current trends. They gossip together about this and that. They seem very similar in personality to Ellen’s perspective and appear to have a lot in common.
Fannie confides after a time of chatting “There aren’t many people I consider my equals. But I think you and I get along quite well. I understand that your seasonal job with the Middletons has ended as of last week. I was wondering if you would like to come and work for me. I need someone to plan the spring Vacation Bible School and our summer day camp program. We have two jobs open right now. Your sister, Lila, could work in the after-school program. You already know David too. He works with us as well as an athletic director of the soccer teams. Would you be interested in the job?”
“Awesome! I can hardly wait!” exclaims Liz “When do you want me to start?”
“Well, you can ride back with me if you like. I’ll have the Middletons ship the rest of your stuff” considers Fannie “It will so good to have a friend to do things with and talk to”.
The praise band finishes the set. Anne has spent several minutes obnoxiously waving trying to get Willoughby’s attention who is acting as if he doesn’t see her at all.
“It looks like he is a little busy right now. Why don’t you try talking to him in a little while?” observes Ellen.
“It’s me. He’ll talk to me anytime” retorts Anne who then stands up and starts waving but is still ignored except for a second long timid glance.
Anne gets up “Willoughby, it’s me! Look, it’s me! Look over here! It’s Anne! Willoughby!” shouts Anne louder and louder as she walks across the banquet room.
Everyone in the room stops what they are doing and is looking at her.
However Willoughby maintains his stance as if engrossed in a conversation with Sophie. Sophie has looked over and is tapping Willoughby on the arm but he acts as if nothing is happening on the other side of the room.
Anne walks up to him excited, “I’ve been looking all over for you! Where have you been? Why haven’t you called me? Come over to the table and sit with us! We’re all waiting for you!”
Willoughby looks over to Sophie turning away from Anne, breathes in and states, “I’m sorry I have other plans.”
“Other plans? We haven’t seen each other for months! We need to catch up!” retorts Anne.
Willoughby appears annoyed and gazes over Anne’s head, “Why don’t you go spend time with your other friends. I’m a little busy right now.”
Anne perplexed, “What? Don’t you want to see me? I’ve been waiting forever to see you again! I’m actually here to see you!”
“Thanks for being such a great fan of the band” talking down to her as if she is a child “It’s good to see you again too but I’m talking with some of my friends now” replies Willoughby.
“What are you talking about? I’m your girlfriend!” stunned yells Anne.
“I think you’re mistaken” while Willoughby grabs Sophie’s hand with a very large engagement ring that Anne has just noticed “Sophie is my fiancé. We’re getting married in April.”
Anne stares at Sophie’s hand and can’t seem to move. Ellen comes to her side and viciously glares at Willoughby. For a second he looks sheepish and guilty.
“Come on Anne. Let’s go. The program is over and it is time to go” calmly soothes Ellen with her arm around Anne’s waist to support her.
Everyone has stopped their conversations to observe the drama before them. As soon as they start to walk away, vindictive gossiping whispers fill the room.
Anne mumbles to herself but unfortunately loudly enough for others to hear, “I thought he loved me. He said he loved me. Why is he doing this to me? I love him. He loves me. What’s wrong with me?”
Fannie remarks “It’s just like those girls to need so much attention and make a scene. It’s ridiculous! There is no reason to fuss over Willoughby like that. He’s good looking but he’s not anything to make your self such a fool over, right Liz? I don’t think you or I would ever do anything like that kind of nonsense!”
Liz raises her chin while squinting her eyes with a smirk at Fannie, “Of course not. I have more taste than that.”
Ted has compassionately heard and watched the entire event. He feels sorry for Anne but isn’t quite sure what he can do to help. He decides to quietly leave by the back door so he won’t have to run into any members of his family or the Steeles. He knows of Willoughby’s infamous reputation and has previously been concerned when he heard of Anne’s relationship with him but hoped it was over before now. He’s determined to try and speak with Ellen before she leaves town tomorrow. He needs some clarification on a few things before he can make some decisions regarding his future.
Liz, Lila, Robert, David, John, and Fannie decide to go out for dessert and coffee at Baker’s Square. For awhile Liz attempts to look around for Ted but can’t find him. She enjoys the evening flirting with Robert and getting to know Fannie much better. Fannie warmly invites her to meet her mother the following day after the conference is over to which both of the girls enthusiastically accept.
In the meantime Anne devastated in shock mumbles to herself back to the apartment. She cries the entire evening but doesn’t say much. Ellen makes her some hot tea and sits beside Anne as she weeps letting her know that she is there for Anne when she is able and ready to talk.
The Steele girls don’t reach the apartment again until 1:30am from the late night snack at the restaurant and enter with both of the Dashings sound asleep. Anne sleeps out of sorrow and Ellen out of pure emotional exhaustion.
Liz makes popcorn while Lila grabs the last two pops from the cooler. In their bedroom they stay up longer gabbing away into the early hours of the morning talking and giggling about the adventures of the evening.
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