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Saturday, November 6, 2010

The Salvationist - Chapter Six

“Good morning! Welcome to the Crestwood Corps where friends are family. It is good to have you with us today! Take a moment to greet and say ‘hello’ to your neighbors while we sing “Family of God” encourages Mr. Henry Woodhouse the Corps Sergeant Major.

Jennings plays “Family of God” in a honky tonk style while getting lost in the music as her white hair flows back and forth to keep time with her other knee bouncing to each note. Mrs. Alice Hammer’s voice can be heard loudly vibrating above everyone else in the chapel as she warmly greets and hugs each new visitor in the room.

As the song comes to a close with the prompt by Jennings the Praise Team takes their places on the platform. Jane Fairfax starts the introduction on the piano to help create and atmosphere of worship. Harriet plays along on her hot pink bass guitar. Ben Wick is typically the drummer but since he is on a service corps team, he is not available during the summer to play with the group. Seizing this opportunity, Jennings grabs a pair of drumsticks and plops herself down at the trap set. John Thorpe rhythmically joins along accompanying the praise team on his guitar.

“Everyone join us in lifting our hands and voices in praise!” exclaims an enthusiastic Emma in the microphone that pops into the loud speakers as the sound room tries to quickly make its weekly adjustment to the system to accommodate for pinched nerves. The congregation follows suit in a time of unified singing by either standing up or sitting in their seats focused on what is happening in the service.

After three uninterrupted songs except for the sharing of verses of scripture Mr. Woodhouse walks to the class podium with an etched crest and prays for the meeting and the speaker.

“We would like to welcome to our spiritual community, Lieutenant Elton Phillips. He joins us from the training college having just been ordained and commissioned in June with the “Ambassadors of Hope” session. We are very pleased that he has been assigned to the Crestwood corps. He has a Masters degree in preaching and currently working towards his doctorate of divinity” this is conveniently followed by sounds of “oh and ahs” from those who privately but widely spoken about concerned difficultly understanding why a single new lieutenant would be assigned to their corps.

A tall attractive man calmly pats each part his perfect hair to make sure everything is in place as he anticipates being introduced to the congregation. His uniform is neatly pressed from the cleaners including a tie from Supplies and Purchasing with a hidden shield tie-tack beneath his tunic. His soft sole shoes are freshly polished and do not have creases from extended wear. He has paid a high price for comfort. He peers out at the congregation observing with a mild tone of analysis and judgment. He deeply breaths in, shifts in his seat straightening out his tunic and flicking unseen lint, and then slightly leans his head back towards the speaker in an effort to intently listen to what is being said about him.

“Please join me Lt. Elton Phillips. We would like to let the congregation know a little more about your self” instructs Mr. Woodhouse extending his hand to Elton who complies with a polite smile and nod of his head. He raises his chin glancing insignificantly towards the congregation standing next to Mr. Woodhouse.

“So Lt. Elton Phillips, have you ever been to Crestwood?” begins Mr. Woodhouse “What have you enjoyed so far?”

“No, this is my first time at Crestwood however I’ve heard many stories of its wonderful reputation and history. I have only been here four days and other than trying to unload and unpack cardboard boxes into my quarters, I haven’t had much time to do anything else. A few very kind Home League ladies have brought offer some delicious casserole dishes offering other information about Crestwood and its members, but I am still discovering the city” states Elton with a light hint of arrogance and pride “It is a privilege to be appointed to Crestwood and I hope that we will have many productive years together.”

The meeting continues with the band and songsters each singing pieces specifically chosen for that day to go along with the theme of the message. Lt. Elton offers an impressive studied and insightful message about new beginnings. He is professional in his tone and delivery. The corps feels as if it has gained a scholar as a pastor even if it is presented with less feeling or emotion than Captain Brandon whom they are still grieving his departure but are sincerely pleased in his movement towards the future with Anne Dashing.

At the conclusion of the meeting and the appropriate time for an altar call, Mr. Woodhouse provides the announcements for the week and invites everyone to the potluck following the meeting in the Fellowship Hall to welcome Lt. Elton. The corps sings together “May the Words of My Mouth” following a scripture blessing for the benediction. The band plays a postlude with much gusto and enthusiasm from its members as a sending off of praise for the week.

“Emma, it is good to see you again. You look very nice today in your uniform. Are those new shoes?” asks Knightly trying to appear congenial but guessing about the shoes knowing that Emma likes to shop.

“Actually, they are new! I bought them the other day while at the mall where I ran into you. I like the heel and the small platform toe” moving her foot out and turning it so Knightly can observe exactly what she is talking about “They are quite comfortable if you must know. Thanks for noticing” states Emma pleased with his efforts at observation. “How long will you be in town for this time?”

“I’m here only for the day. I have to be back at DHQ tomorrow. However, I will be down later this month with some new ideas for direct marketing that is being implemented in the division” offers Knightly mockingly adding “so you will have the grand opportunity of seeing me again.” Emma smirks and rolls her eyes but underneath even though she won’t admit it is pleased that Knightly is coming back so soon for a visit.

Elton is caught up listening to Mrs. Bates providing her favorite Green Bean casserole recipe, “I like to use Cream of Mushroom soup and an onion soup mix for flavoring. It adds just the right touch, don’t you think? I prefer cream of mushroom to cream of chicken. I like putting onion noodles on top too with cheddar cheese. Don’t you think that is a good choice? There are so many types of cheese, but cheddar is the best. However, I do like mozzarella too. Do you like mozzarella cheese? Although, I guess if you like both you could always blend the mozzarella and cheddar to form a nice layer on the top . . .”

Mr. Weston and Ms. Taylor are standing near them chatting away about Ms. Taylor’s magnificent confectionary creation. Ms. Taylor is blushing while Mr. Weston gushes away about all of her culinary accomplishments.

Eventually Elton is able to greet other people of the congregation. He notices two people similar to his age having a conversation in the corner of the fellowship hall and would like to be introduced. He leaves the conversation with the three Home League ladies explaining their expectations of his time in this appointment as well as things that they would definitely like changed for another more fortuitous conversation.

“Hello, I’m Lt. Elton Phillips and you are?” introduces Elton extending his hand to Emma and Knightly.

“My name is Emma Woodhouse. You have already met my father. He is the CSM” smiling and offering her hand in greeting. Elton can hardly take his eyes off her to introduce himself to the man randomly standing next to her.

“My name is Austen Knightly but most people call me “Knightly”. I was named after my grandfather. I am the development director at DHQ and down for the day for your welcoming. It is good to have you in the division. Crestwood is a great place to be and they are lucky to have you” with a tone of kindness offers Knightly “If you are wondering about family connection, my older brother John Knightly is married to Emma’s sister, Isabella.”

“I’ve met your brother John and Isabella during commissioning this year. They have a rather large happy family of five children” states Elton oblivious that they recognize the arrogance in the tone of his voice continues “I have no idea what I would do with so many children but Isabella seems quite content in her role as mother” explains Elton “she has a certain way of magically keeping them all together.”

“Yes, she is a very good mom and an admirable woman. Most people feel enriched being in her company” sincerely compliments Knightly looking over to Emma and catching her eye a little perturbed at Lt. Elton’s comments “Hopefully you will get to know both of them much better when they visit the corps with their family during the year”.

“Are you settled into your new home? It is a beautiful quarters. I helped Anne decorate the house before they left adding silk plants and floral arrangements” explains Emma.

‘I’m not one for much frill. I packed up those things and storing them in the garage for the next officer when that time comes” frankly states Elton “I prefer living a simple life without much ornament”.

“I see. Well, at least the next officer will probably appreciate her passion for design” Emma states trying to rationalize his decision to remove the carefully chosen items. “What do you like to do in your free time?” in an attempt to change the subject.

“I like to visit museums of art and history. I have a particular interest in the photography of Ansel Adams” replies Elton.

“You are not serious. He is my favorite photographer!” ecstatically exclaims Emma “He’s able to take every day scenes and make them appear to be the poetry of nature.”

“I completely agree with you. Are you a photographer?” asks Elton newly encouraged by this common thread of interest.

“I work in the PR department at area command and in that job I am also the photographer. But I also enjoy photography as a hobby” explains Emma.

“I like the baby photos of Anne Geddes and William Wegman’s weinheimer dogs” adds Knightly feeling a little excluded from the conversation at the moment.

“Perhaps you could show me some of your work. I would be interested to see it” genuinely offers Elton speaking directly to Emma “I have many portfolios of my work. We can compare techniques for special effects” he adds with a smile of attraction at this new shared leisure pursuit.

Knightly watches the conversation and isn’t comfortable with the response that he is seeing on either side. He is not all that impressed with Lt. Elton Phillips but hoping the feeling fades on better acquaintance.

“What are your hobbies Knightly?” politely asks Elton finally noticing that he has not included Knightly in the conversation for awhile.

“I don’t have much time for hobbies but I do enjoy playing the cornet and reading on about any topic that is available” replies Knightly.

“Do you golf?” asks Elton.

“No. I haven’t quite tackled that sport yet and it is a bit expensive for me” offers Knightly.

“You need to learn. I go golfing three times a week at least. The cost shouldn’t be a factor. You need to do it for your health. A lot of business deals are made on the golf course, it is imperative for your job I’m sure. It should probably be listed on your job description” arrogantly suggests Elton.

Knightly slowly glares at Elton for a second but then quickly regains his composure. It is not the first time he has heard this comment. He doesn’t mind golfing or people who golf but believes three times a week or more is a bit excessive. He wonders if he considers visitation and counseling part of his time on the golf cart at the private country club with the other service club business members.

“Maybe one day we can go out for a few links during the week so you can take a few hours off from work on official duty?” invites Elton.

“I’ll let you know” returns Knightly doubting that possibility “however, Saturdays work better for me.”

“We will have to set a date for a round when you are available on your next visit to area command” offers Elton “perhaps Mr. Woodhouse or Mr. Weston would like to join us as well.”

“Thank you for the invitation” politely states Knightly “I think that I am going to try some of Ms. Taylor’s dessert now” as he smiles and nods backing away.

Emma and Elton are left alone standing together. Elton stretches his chest with his hands on his waist at a stance moving slightly to give Emma a chance to better admire his profile.

“Mr. Weston has invited to take a tour of area command tomorrow. I’m assuming that you will be there. Would you be available to join us for the tour?” asks Elton is a mild pleading yet demanding voice.

“Yes. I’m usually at the office when not at a PR event or working on some background information for a project” replies Emma not sure of what to think of Elton yet.

“Perhaps later this week, we can go for coffee and you can show me some of your photography work. I’ll bring along my portfolio too and we can share ideas” states Elton in a tone of authority.

“Sounds like a plan. Chat and coffee always seem to go hand in hand” thoughtfully explains Emma.

“I need your number so that I can call you to find out a good time that suits both of us” states Elton pulling out his cell phone texting her name into his contact menu.

Emma casually gives him her phone number but notices that Elton seems quite eager to now possess her own number. Emma is not sure what she thinks of this idea but it flattered by Elton’s attention.

“It looks like my father is about ready to leave. I’ll possibly see you tomorrow at work. Hope you have a nice evening and easily settle into your new appointment” encourages Emma.

“See you tomorrow!” responds Elton watching Emma as she comfortably helps her dad slowly walk out the double steel doors to the parking lot followed closely behind by very happy Mr. Weston carrying the empty potluck dishes for Ms. Taylor to her car.

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