The sweet scent of vanilla, sandalwood, rose, and spice flows through the chapel of lace and bows among the congregation of friends and loved ones. The Westons arm in arm walk happily down the aisle together into their new life. Each guest standing in line greets the Westons and Lt. Elton in full uniform who has performed the wedding ceremony. Each of the guests gives the happy couple their best wishes and blessings.
Exiting the building aiming for the outdoor festivities Harriet quickly grabs Robert’s arm as she tries to catch her balance, “I think my heel is stuck!” as Harriet walks out of her shoe that is firmly planted in the grassy soil. Her hair is in ringlets and quite fashionably styled for a change. She is in a velvet eggplant halter dress and heels. She picks up her shoe which is covered in mud. “Hold this!” annoyed Harriet hobbles over to the chain link fence with Robert in tow behind her and attempts to scratch the wet dirt from her shoe. In black jeans and a midnight jacket with a bolero tie wearing his Stetson cowboy hat Robert looks rather attractive for himself but the purse in his hand is a little out of place in the sunset.
Knightly helps Mr. Woodhouse with his cane down the doorstep as he walks beside Emma out of the chapel to the decorated wedding canopy filled with white tables and chairs in the backyard of the corps. “Thank you Knightly, I always appreciate your help”. Emma looks behind her father and gratefully nods to Knightly too. She is aware of Knightly’s constant kindness and consistent patience with her father. She values this more than he will ever know.
It is nearly Jane’s turn to talk with Grant in the reception line. Ms. Bates is in front of her and has a great deal of information to share about the community and is trying to catch him up on everything that he has missed in a matter of about five minutes. It has been several months since Jane has last seen him and it didn’t exactly end on the best of terms. He was angry because of her choice to go stay with her aunt rather than continuing to live in the area and find a job not too far from him. Jane hasn’t been entirely open about their friendship but now that he no longer keeps in contact with her there doesn’t seem much point in talking about it with her new friends. She greatly misses him but doesn’t know if he feels the same way towards her any longer though and is rather timid to speak with him again not sure how he will respond.
“Hi Jane! I forgot that you were still living here. It’s been a long time since we’ve run into each other. You look a little different. Are you enjoying yourself staying with your aunts? Are you keeping busy?” asks Grant intentionally not entirely telling her the truth about his forgetfulness. There hasn’t been a day that he hasn’t thought about her but he feels that she abandoned him without much cause and without considering his feelings about how he would cope with her moving so far away.
“Yes, it has been somewhat of an adjustment for me moving to Crestwood, but things are going well. I’m enjoying my time here. Yesterday I was hired as the creative arts director for the city and I am looking forward to what opportunities are ahead.”
Grant is a little annoyed that she seems content with her new life. It has been a long few months. He doesn’t like the sound of permanence with her new job. “I’m doing well too. I’ve not had much free time lately but I’m making the most at having a good time with my friends.”
Remembering when she lived near him, Jane recalls a few of his female “friends” but would rather use the term “flirts”. In that he is still hanging out with them just emphasizes the point that she made the right decision to start over some place else or at least give him time to ‘breathe’ until he was ready for her.
“So have you had a chance to meet many new people while you have been here?” asks Grant curious to know about her dating life.
“There are some very nice people at Crestwood. I’ve made quite a few friends and enjoying my time here” honestly responds Jane wondering if he is hoping that she has moved on to get rid of any guilt he might have in forgetting about her so quickly.
At that moment, Elton is without a guest to talk to while standing next to Grant in the reception line and decides to join in the middle of the conversation “I’m really very fond of Jane. She has made a tremendous impact on the corps in the handful of months that she has been here. Jane is a remarkable asset to the corps programs. I’m delighted that she has decided to make Crestwood her home. I really don’t know what I would do without her” giving her a slight hug around the shoulders to coincide with his statement.
As Jane moves on down the line, Grant keeps his eye on her. Knightly greets Jane at the door “I’ve saved a seat for you and your aunts next to Mr. Woodhouse and Emma at our table. Do you need any help with your great aunt?” as he takes the handles of Mrs. Bates’ wheelchair to help her down the steps to the outside reception. Grant is a little disappointed that he hadn’t offered to help before Knightly did. He notices that Knightly and Jane seem to be very good friends as they intently chat walking to their reserved places.
“This is the best cake ever!” gustily expresses Harriet “mmmm . . . I don’t think that I have ever tasted anything this good! Chocolate, nuts, vanilla, cream, strawberries, caramel . . . it is delicious!
As Robert helps her gently wipe off some left over frosting in the corner of her mouth with his napkin, Robert smiles at Harriet enjoying her company and feeling as if life is very good with her by his side.
“Opps! Thanks I didn’t see that” says Harriet giggling with her shoulders and giving him a really sweet smile in return.
“What did you think of the wedding Harriet? Is this the first one you have attended in the States?” asks Mrs. Dashing carrying a piece of cake in each hand for her and Jennings who is talking away to Alice Hammer on the swing set gently swinging in the wind sipping on the tropical punch.
“I thought it was wonderful! My favorite part was how Mr. Weston looked at Ms. Taylor as she came down the aisle” explains Harriet sighing for a moment “She was like a dream walking to her true love.”
Mrs. Dashing smiles to herself at Harriet’s daydreaming expression. “I’m glad they are so happy. It reminds me of Brandon and Anne’s wedding too.”
Emma walks up at that point in the conversation, “Where is Anne? I saw them sitting in the pew with you and I want to see her before they had back home. I’m so glad they were able to come for the wedding.”
“I’m right here behind you” giving her a hug “How are you Emma?” asks Anne “Can you tell anything that is different? Do I look different to you? What do you see?” Anne turns around to each side with a look over her shoulder pressing her hands down over her tummy as she arches her back and sparkles a bit.
Emma looks down after hugging her because she knows that something might be different but she really can’t see it. Guessing and hoping that she is right from Anne’s glowing expression “Are you going to have a baby?”
“Yes! How did you guess? Brandon and I are expecting! The baby isn’t due for another seven months. I’m eight weeks and I feel like the whole world is changing. Brandon is going to be such a good dad. I can hardly wait to hold a little one in my arms!” eagerly states Anne sticking out her stomach as far as her svelte figure will let her.
“Do you want a boy or a girl?” asks Harriet “Have you chosen any names yet?”
“It doesn’t matter. We will be truly blessed with a child that God gives to us. We haven’t decided yet on names but I will let you know. Harriet is a pretty name for a girl though now that I think of it . . .”
Harriet smiles feeling like a long lost friend even though she has just met Anne. Brandon kindly walks up and puts his arm around Anne’s shoulders. She moves closer to him and leans her head a little on his chest for a momentary hug. “Hi everyone, it is so good to see all of you again! I miss Crestwood but I know that you are in good hands with Lt. Elton” warmly states Brandon directly looking at each person. “Anne and I are enjoying our new place even if it is quite different from here. I think we are finally settling in to the routine of things but it is difficult some days when we think of our friends at Crestwood” sincerely comments Brandon with a hint of loneliness from distant friendship in his voice.
Elton walks up with his hand outstretched to greet Brandon and Anne. “Are you catching up with everyone? How are things going for you? The corps has been quite busy and we are starting to make the final plans for the Christmas season. It is always a busy place around here.”
“Yes, I remember that quite well. I will miss the Christmas parties though” grins Brandon as he recalls a memory from last year. After chatting for a time with their friends Brandon announces “Anne and I need to go. It is a very long drive back home. I will tell Ted and Ellen ‘hello’ for everyone. They really wanted to come but had to stay back at the training college for rehearsals for the Harvest Festival united meeting. Rules are rules. They are enjoying their time at the school as cadets though but are looking forward to the day they will be commissioned. Give the Westons my blessings again when you see them. Hopefully we will see you in June for congress this year. It’s going to be a great one!”
Harriet is standing next to Elton sharing a story of her recent camp adventures with the group. Robert has left to refill the glasses of punch because he has heard this story many times before. A server walks by with two pots of coffee in each hand. Harriet is animated in her conversation and is blissfully unaware of the server moving behind her. Elton cautious that she may be burned slightly places his hand on the small of her back to let the server easily pass by. Harriet is pleasantly surprised by Elton’s tenderness not realizing that it is really a movement of protection and not affection.
A few moments later the music plays as Knightly sees Emma across the lawn at the corps. He sees her chatting away to Elton and isn’t quite comfortable with what he is viewing. Emma looks lovely today probably the most beautiful he has seen her in a long time. He doesn’t like that Emma seems to be laughing a little too much at Elton’s jokes which Harriet seems to be also enjoying. He doesn’t know what is being said but he feels that Elton is just a little too sure of himself. He contemplates for a moment whether he wants to join the party or not. Emma sees him, beams and waves to him to come over. He decides that it is time to find out what is going on.
“Knightly! Where have you been? I’ve been looking for you everywhere!” gushes Emma.
“I was with Ms. Bates and her mother for a few moments. We started talking about some of the things Jane is working on lately” apologetically explains Knightly feeling relieved that he was missed.
“Have you seen Grant yet? I haven’t seen him since he was standing in the reception line. Have you talked to him?” asks Emma.
“I just said ‘hello’ for a moment before the wedding in the hallway as he was getting the boutonnières for the men out of Jane’s car. She picked them up at the florist this morning with the other bouquets” explains Knightly “I haven’t had a chance to have a conversation with him yet though.”
“Is someone calling my name?” asks Grant as he walks up to the group with Jane “It seems everyone already knows who I am. Jane must be talking a lot and spreading gossip about me.” Jane looks up with the corner of her eye while blushing lightly and smiling and shaking her head at his comment.
“So now I need to know, who are all of you? I haven’t had a chance to meet most of you yet. I’ll start. My name is Grant Churchill and you already all know my father and new mother, Henry and Ann Weston” affably begins Grant.
“I’m Harriet and I work for Mrs. Dashing at the Devon Outpost and this is Robert Martin who helps there too. If you ever need a game guru, he is the one to call. He is the assistant manager soon to be manager at Game Point at the mall” introduces Harriet while shaking Robert’s hand.
“My name is Lt. Elton Phillips. I was appointed to Crestwood this past June” explains Elton is a factual manner extending his hand using skills he learned at a Dale Carnegie training he attended a few years ago.
“You already know Knightly and you might remember me from when we were children. My name is Emma Woodhouse” starts Emma.
“Oh yes I remember. You were the little spoiled brat that often chased me around the school yard” jokes Grant but seeing that she is slightly offended “I had a crush on you if I remember right which might have provoked some of your infuriated attention towards some of my unwanted malicious behavior.”
Emma smiles then relieved at his openness and graciousness. “How long are you staying? Are you able to spend a few days here before going back home?”
“I hope to be here a couple of months with my dad. I might be helping out some at area command so we will be running into each other quite a bit in the next few weeks” Grant chats under Knightly’s suspicious eye.
“What do you do when you are back at home?” asks Knightly with a short curt look from Emma telling him to ‘be nice’ “I assume things are quite busy for you there in that we haven’t see you much around here”.
“I’ve been working on several freelance media projects that are now completed which has freed up my time for a little while to take somewhat of an extended vacation to spend some time with my dad getting reacquainted” replies Grant taking a step to the side towards Jane who appears slightly anxious during the discussion.
“I’m so glad you’ve had a chance to meet my son once again!” chuckles Mr. Weston with Ann at his side. “I wanted to let you know how much we appreciate each of you for coming and sharing in our wedding day! Grant is a good fellow as you will soon know.”
“I think there is going to be some dancing in a moment, if you would like to join us. Come on my dear, I believe it is about time for our song” pleasantly states Mr. Weston as he takes Ann’s hand and leads her to the basketball court which has been decorated with tissue wedding bells, doves, white, gold and silver streamers, and confetti but now serves as a dance floor.
Songs of the Electric Slide, Chicken Dance, Cha Cha Slide, “Boot Scoot and Boogy”, and “Cotton Eyed Joe” continue to play one after the other with most joining in on the fun.
Jennings thoroughly enjoys the “Cupid Shuffle” which she does during her exercise class at the Senior Sunshine Center on Mondays at Crestwood. Alice Hammer, and Mrs. Dashing follow her lead with Ms. Bates slightly trailing behind.
Robert asks Harriet to come with him for the “Acky Breaky Heart” line dance along with both of his sisters with their cowboy boots and ruffled layered skirts, Elton, Grant, and Jane also join them. Robert looks smart and cool in his Stetson with his hands on his hips smoothly moving to the music. Everyone is having a great time.
As “Thriller” begins Knightly, Elton, and Grant take the floor. Grant takes off his jacket and unbuttons his shirt a little for effect. Elton asks Harriet who is sitting next to him to hold his tunic as he proceeds to the makeshift dance floor. Remaining composed Knightly removes his tie and puts up his collar something similar to what Elvis might do. The dance continues as a surprise to everyone Elton remembers every kick, nod, and twist. If Elton had a white glitter glove he might make a good substitute for Michael.
Next the dancing divas line up for the “Macarena” with a few of the guys attempting to be coordinated on the sidelines. Jennings’ expressions and hilarity while she dances amuses everyone who is watching. It is a fun evening of exhilaration and laughter.
The DJ announces a slow dance to begin for couples, Knightly asks Emma to dance with him. Emma is charmed by his mock regal behavior in asking her. They move to the dance floor. Elton is not too happy that he barely missed the opportunity for Emma to dance with him, so he quickly turns to Harriet and asks if he wants to dance. Harriet is surprised by his gesture but excited too since Robert doesn’t seem much interested in a slow dance.
Knightly holds Emma close to him cheek to cheek grasping her hand in the cusp of his hand. As they continue to move and sway, Emma closes her eyes enjoying the moment. Without realizing it, Knightly and Emma’s hands become entwined as they feel comfortable in each other’s arms gliding along the floor to the music.
Near them Elton and Harriet dance too. Elton keeps his eyes focused on Emma and Knightly dancing together. The light breeze catches Harriet’s hair and flows over his face tickling his nose. He blows some air to remove her annoying hair out of his face. Harriet feels his gentle breeze fall against her ear. She is stunned to think that Elton is making a move to let her know that he interested in her.
Instead of asking Jane who is sitting across from him, Grant stands up, walks a couple of chairs down the table and asks Ms. Bates for a “waltz around the room”. Ms. Bates is touched by the fact that he notices her. It has been many years since she was last asked to dance. He takes her hand and guides her to the dance floor too. Jane is disappointed that she is being intentionally overlooked. It appears to be a direct snub to her and further confirms that he no longer has feelings for her.
Robert is watching the fiasco with his arms crossed in front of him. He can’t stand to think of Harriet with anyone else but him. But he really doesn’t know how to slow dance. He looks across the table at Jane but she is excusing herself to go to the ladies room so he sits and sulks.
As everyone returns to their places the table is fairly silent. Emma and Knightly don’t know how to process what they are feeling for each other at the moment. Elton is trying to figure out his next move to engage Emma in conversation with him. Harriet looks right at Robert who is looking back a little perturbed at her while wondering why Elton is making his interest known to her. On the other side of her, Jane feels sad that Grant no longer cares. Grant is a little smug at his attempt to make Jane feel uncomfortable and not taking him for granted. However, Ms. Bates is all aglow from the excitement of dancing once again.
Harriet finally breaks the silence by picking up the piece of parchment paper tied with a silver cord in front of her “Did you read the scroll given to each of us as a party favor? It’s a poem.”
“Someone must have already taken mine as a souvenir. Can I share your copy?” as Elton leans in close to Harriet. Harriet reads out loud for everyone to hear.
In morning and the night
One Vow that is our creed
Two voices blend and sing
One tender Song so sweet
The love of two is to know
One Heart that is complete
Two souls in joy and woe
One Life becomes replete
Knightly and Emma share a smile as Elton sighs not really paying attention just wishing that the evening would soon be over because things are not going as well as he originally planned. Harriet feels him sigh next to her and is aware that Elton must be expressing his own feelings for her in response to the poetry. Emma looks over at Harriet and catches her eye acknowledging that she saw Elton’s affectionate response as well.
Glistening bubbles in the moonlight create a bridge to their new adventure together as Henry and Ann dash to their honeymoon. Robert has offered to go get Emma’s camera from the chapel. Harriet throws the remains of her bag of metallic heart and bell confetti with some of it coming to rest in her hair. Elton notices that it has landed and stuck to her tresses. He can’t stand the clutter. He moves without asking to remove the offensive material and wipes her shoulders off so it is no longer visible. One square stubbornly remains attached to her cheek. So he gently takes his thumb and wipes it away because they are getting ready to take a group photo. Harriet feels his concern and gentle touch on her check thinking that he is wiping away her tears of joy. She feels inspired by his tenderness. As the guest list slowly fades to their homes, the young adults gather together around one of the tables once again with some leftover chip and dip.
“A group of us are going to the amusement park tomorrow. Would you like to go with us?” asks Harriet to Knightly, Grant and Jane.
“When will you be leaving?” asks Knightly wondering if he will like a day at the park because it has been years since his last visit but would like to spend more time with Emma. The wedding has made him aware of new feelings for her.
“We want to get there early to be the first on the rides so we are planning on leaving at 9 am” states Harriet.
“We can meet at the corps and take a van if you want to all ride together then we only have to pay for one parking space” offers Elton.
“Sounds like a great idea! I’ll see you in the morning” replies Grant looking at Jane wondering what her response will be and then back at Emma.
“Emma can I have a ride? Ms. Bates asked to borrow my car tomorrow” asks Jane.
“I can pick you up. My dad’s house is just around the corner from you. It doesn’t make sense to have Emma drive all that way and then backtrack to the corps. I’ll be there at 8:30 am if that is all right with you” offers Grant but then adds to Jane’s disappointment “Is there anyone else who needs a ride?” I don’t mind being a chauffer.”
“Emma and I can ride together since I am staying at her dad’s house for the week-end. Is that all right with you Emma?” Asks Knightly having already made up his mind.
“See you tomorrow!” as Emma stands up and moves towards the parking lot. The others follow in the same direction very soon afterwards.
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